Berwyn Life from Berwyn, Illinois (2024)

suiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiimiie i Tho LIPS I VAAfe.X By JACK KUBIK I Led by quarterback Bart Pettice, Thornton whipped Morton Junior College 40 to 7 under the1' lights Friday In the season final. Pettice, a former Thornton high age and grid star, threw strikes all night as he ran his touchdown ass total to 12 for the season. Despite the defeat, Coach Bill Hedtkes Panthers played well but their sputtering offense never did get rolling. The loss was the fifth for the locals who failed to win during the season. THERE were some bright spots for MJC.

1 Back Bill Coyer kept Thornton at bay on many occasions with excellent punting. MJC actually held Thornton a good part of the 'I I I I Si' su 4 t1 Mrs I- 1 -i W( if ii'-' ft ri 3 rsiy'4' I '-i ftfjo 1 i jMSk 4 HU I S') i a a SPORTS er w.m (V 4 I I i a if 31 miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiMito Sunday, November 13, 1960 The LIFR Page 19 J- time but was sunk by long scoring plays. Portico ialliod Thornton's first touchdown from tho two yard lino and Bryan Miller mode it 13-0 with a 55-yard punt return early in lha second quarter. At this point MJC recovered a Thornton fumble on the hosts 17. Quarterback Don Lorr sped 15 yards around end to the two from where fullback Ron Kautsky bulled over for the touchdown.

Kautsky also scored the extrapoint on a line plunge. Thornton scored once more before the half and added three Vv jw more touchdowns, all on long plays, in the second half while MJC failed to get its attack going. VICTORY for the Wildcats gave them the undisputed Illinois Junior College conference crown. Their lone loss of the season was to Grand Rapids, JC 36 to 6. In all, Thornton rolled up 191 points this season, one shy of their all-time record.

More than 100 Morton fans took in the contest in Harvey. Legion Coach's Son Now Soph Cager Wally Orszula whose father ran the Cicero Legion baseball team, is a keen prospect with the East sophom*ore basketball team. Wally Sr. developed a and new ball team for the Legion, and his boy was an infield star of that club. 4 r- if 4 i ij 4 it, it iB, Advertise in The LIFE.

It Pays Big Dividends. A 'v i V'- yfyA. BOWLING BITS Reynolds Tops Business Bowlers ft 1 Sv A A 85 i 1Ava Ron Reynolds recently sparked rolling in South Berwyn Business Men at National Alleys with a 663 series including a 267 game. His effort boosted him into fifth place in individual averages with a 181. Wally I (, Vi LIFE LINES 3y Pcua 18-9 is best to date.

are Otto Pecha Jr Robert Pecha, and Frank Lexa, ready to shoot. At right, the-playen are Melvin Van Denend. George Lokay, aiming cuestick, and Mike Stephans. THE 'POCKET' CRQWD Palace billiard room ii filled with more and more area participant. At rear table we lee (left to right) Milton Bejcek.

Allan Lenten, and Charle Barton. At left middle table ate Ed Karina and Dr. Frank Carney. Front player MATT AIMING TO REVIVE BILLIARDS i Team No. 3 is in charge of Chateau Classic on 18 and 8.

Bob Pesava, leading with a 195 average, recently had a 671 series. In the Morning After, Vics Drive In is wide awake, holding first, with Svehla Awning covering second. Bob Spartis 181-15 average is tops. Hilb Purcell leads the St. Leonard Holy Name bowlers at W6st Town.

The record is 16-8. Ed Schilling put together a 642 series the other evening. Pigskin Party Staged Today Morton Players Get Banquet from 'Pops' The Morton 10011)311 squad will be partied and eulogized today in Berwyn Eagles Hall, 6309 W. 26th st. Its the.

annual banquet arranged by the Football Fathers Club, with Walter Arbir presiding over it. Cong. Harold Collier; Berwyn, will serve as master of ceremonies. PIGSKIN COACHES will speak, and express their own views on the past season." Coach Jirt Regan will tell just how the uplift came in his teams fort-tunes, and how the Mustangs finished with a 4-4 record after dismal early season endeavors. The affair begins at 2 p.m.

Tickets are $4 each. The population explosion hasnt been confined to high schools. Its spread to officials, too. A report by the Illinois High School association for lh. 1960-61 school year lists 4,395 officials registered or affiliated with tha IHSA.

This is an increase of 250 officials over the last school year and is the second year that the number has exceeded 4,000. Compare this figure with lha war-depleted January, 1945 total of 1,235 or the 1946 count of 2.117, less than half the present number. Of the 4,395 officials currently registered with the association, almost 90 per cent are registered in basketball. There's one aspect of this rise in the number of officials that's interesting. We in this area tend to think in terms of expanding high schools with new ones going up almost every day.

The truth of the matter is that because of school consolidations, the number of Illinois high schools has been decreasing steadily. Why then so many officials and where are they finding games to work? There are several answers, probably the most important of which is that while the number of high schools is decreasing, individual schools are fielding more teams. On a recent Saturday, for example. Morton had a varsity, a Junior varsity, a junior college, two sophom*ore and four freshmen football games going. Another reason, the IHSA points out, is that junior high school and grade schools are placing increased emphasis on sports and are requiring that officials working their games be registered with the IHSA.

Many IHSA-regitered official! never work prep games but an increasing number of industrial, church, racraation leagues want their officials sanctioned by tha high school group. The IHSA expects another thousand or so to register before June 30, 1961, which will push the number of state prep officials to over 5,000 for the first time in history. If there is a moral her it is simply that like 2h any other large group there are going to bo some clinkers and we'll just have to live with them. 1 4 Cl Wolanin leads that department with a 185. 0 Alex Filip with a 657-233 paced Stickney Keglers at Berwyn Recreation while Mike Pasky had a 638-246.

Ray Krizeks 198 average still leads the loop. Mill Giuntoli had a 496 series to lead West Town Ladies while Arlene Noworul came up with a 177 game recently. (. 0- Glen Zajicek sparked Berwyn Young Republicans recently with a 585 series followed by Ed Waznaw with 566 and Tom Lawler at 522. Zajiceks 226 also was high game.

Bob Fabians 166 average leads the circuit. George Pavlicek whacked out 648 for Kott Moving and Storage in the Chateau Major. Still Kott dropped a pair to Jamies. Dick Posts 610 and Wally Glass 605 aided the victors. Olympic Savings won all three from Troy stores, paced by Len Vilets 619.

Johnny. Petras rolled 605 for Freds Liars Club, which trampled J. P. Plating three times. John Pellas had 620 and Sully King 611 for Liska Finer Foods in a double win over Nevrklas Mens Shop.

Other 600s belonged to Murl Schahrer, 620, and Jack Noeth, 604. In the Lady of Charity Womens League, Para Construction, with 174-9 V4, holds a game edge over Manor Service Station and Orszula Builders, who share second. Joan Moore had a 197 game recently and Marion Magers 192. Dick Suchy is tied with Joe Kishkunas for top individual rank in the (St. Mary of Celle loop.

Each kegler has 181. Recently Dick Fox caught a 619 series, followed by Steve Steffeks 605. L. and S. Construction holds a fairly comfortable margin in the St.

Odilo Ladies League at National. Its mark is 20-7, with Berwyn Jewelers four games behind. Gloriana Polcyn featured the Monday rolling with a 227 game and 550 series. Haraseks Pharmacy carries the right prescription for success in St. Leonards Ladies League at Riverside.

The Harasek record of Sluka Once Ace of Ring George "Puggy Sluka, the youth counselor of Berwyn, is a one time vet of both amateur and professional ring action. Along with his duties in Ber wyn, he is MC for Max Patkins baseball comedy act in the Boule' vard Room of Chicagos Conrad Hilton Hotel. The act will appear before the Berwyn Kiwanis Club Thursday, and then travel on a world tour with the Hatlem Globe Trotters basketball club. Pin Points IS a WYN YOU NO SSPUSLICANS Senator BidwiU 1S4. Berwyn Republican 11V4-SI4, Double Conjunction 11-10, State Reprejentatlve a 10V4-10H.

Berwyn Youn Republican Chib Sti-lOVi, Colonial Lou ns a 0-13. Chuck Bolek after! 0-13. HatuaUk Insurance SV3-13M. WIST TOWN LADIIS Troy Department Store 18-4, ferry Brouail Booatera 17-7. Glaaer Funeral Home 1S-8.

Shotola Chateau DumpUnsa 13-11, Jerry's Sunoco Service 13-13, -Golden Bird Chicken Shop 11-13. Nosek Pharmacy 0-19, Franka Super Market 0-15, Svac Funaral Home S-1A Trend House s-is. Htune Lous Tsvsra 15-9, Borwya wetttra Plumbing 15-9, Htrrp Swado Plumbing 14tt-9tt, Blona Water Coolers 13-11. Blaus Floor Sanders 13-11, Berwyn Floral Murphy Motors UJ4-13V4, Funeral Bhop mfc-llttu Sekorg Fumlturo 11-13. hom*o 10-14.

Johnny's Restaurant 10-FrancHc St Rokoa UpnolsteringlO14 Ti Department Store 9-13, Kedl Plumbing IS. Liquors 10-14, Trojr AUTO LOANS To buy a new or i vsod ear To borrow on yovr pretent ear To reduce paymentt on on existing lean THE LAWNDALE NATIONAL BANK S59b a Chitstisns tl 74859 for the clubroom has that kind of atmosphere, despite the rich flavor. "And its amazing, says Matt, how many skillful players can be found. Of course, some had been away from the game for some time. But once back, they take to it like a duck to water.

These men will pass interest to the younger ones, and thus can billiards grow again. It needs a revival, says Charlie. Relatively, the Palace crowd is not large. Maybe it will take years for the revival to material- Sf. Odilo lakes Des Plaines School 41-14 Victor in CYO St.

Odilos little football warriors played a spirited game to the end, but in the semifinals of the CYO North and West grade school pompeiition, they finally fell before Maryville Academy of Des Plaines at the 28th and East ave. field, Wednesday. The verdict was 41 to 14. It was the initial defeat for St. Odilo, giving the team coached by Father Duffy a 7-1 record for the season.

THE MARYVILLE team has not been beaten in four years. Ray Stapleton scored three tpuch-downs for the victors. The St. Odilo scores were credited to Bob Kurcz, a keen quarterback all season, who also tallied two extra points, and Rich Hejnal. FRENCH FRIES a of to They Got the Year Last Raps It took a very long time but that softball season in the area may be over at last.

The south Berwyn grade school boys went into a brief fall schedule, with Komensky and Pershing finishing in a tie for the south Berwyn grade schools' district crown with five wins end one loss each. According to their coaches, tho teams would have played right into the snow season if somebody hadn't reminded them it was kind of nippy to rap out a baseball. 1 1 -t 1 i i -k A I 4 -i 4 Jf f. if. D- il: i I I ''7iTT7 ARE WE READY? You bst, says Larry Priban, 6 foot, 5 inch Morton East soph prospect as ho gets set for cage season.

OPEN FRIDAY Cager Continue Workouts Mortons basketball teams are continuing workouts leading to the season openers with La Grange Friday. Coach Jim Vopicka worked his varsity yesterday, taking advantage of every bit of free time that he could. Theres still no indication of a permanent starting lineup although Vopicka did report that Billy Posen was showing signs of nervousness, quite natural for a sophom*ore playing with a varisty team. RANGY Larry Mack, still suffering from ailing ankles incurred during the football season, has been given a couple of days off. SUBURBAN LEAGUE CROSS COUNTRY Final Standings VARSITY New Trier ....7 Eveneton Oek Perk Hjjthltnd Perk ........3 Waukegan Horton 0 SOPhom*oRIS Now Trier 7 Wauketan 1 Eveneton 1 Horton ,...........4 Niles 3 4 Oak Park Proviso East .........1 Highland Park 7 14 13 10 4 5 14 ia 10 10 4 0 GET OUT OF DAf.P COLD WEATHER BOWL -JHIS WKX-EJD AT-- THE FRlfNDLT, COZY PALACE COWL 5240 W.

25th ST. FOR RESERVATIONS TO 3-5240 The game of billiards has long ranked as all enigma on the sport scene. It was onetime housed in the rough palaces called pool rooms on the hard-ridden streets of the big towns. It also has been the exclusive endeavor of wealthy patrons, And, it is likewise a game in which young or old can excel, comparable to bowling in this respect. But billiards might also be called a difficult sport to master and, fat the hands of champs Such as the late Willie Hoppe or the current Willie MosconL it is close to a science.

Hoppe popularized the three-cushion whileAIos-coni has mime a 'great thing out of the pocket variety. The latter comes to Cicero in January in another of his longtime endeavors to introduce more laymen to the game. He will hold exhibitions at the Palace Bowl on 25th st This is a significant thing for Charles Matt, the Palace proprietor. Matt has attempted to give new lifts to billiards in the area. Only now is he making an inroad, A new dubroom at the Palace, a refined, plush shelter, has been constructed to draw adherents of pocket billiards.

Steadily the men have drifted in; men whq love the game, who would rather hold a cuestick than eat. And they have formed something on the order of a key club, but without keys. Matt is anxious to form a camaraderie of billiard players. And it could catch on. Businessmen of the area have made the Palace a must.

They can discuss problems while a 10-ball (or maybe the 8-ball) is going into a side pocket. They can rib one another with the free sense of informality, TAKi KOMI 0.13 BULK: PACK Frcjlnctos VAHILLA ICI CREAM J- ize. A television station once tried it, but fans either did not understand the strategies involved, or found it too slow an endeavor. Participation will make them more receptive to watching the big timers when they appear on TV or in local Matt at times has been a lone voice in the wind. Only the Windy City Hall on Cicero has con' tinued and fought to perpetuate the game along with the Palace BowL Matt Is confident there will be revival.

You cant keep so skillful a gamq down, he tells you. CommendsMothers On Little Loop Rise Frank Straka, president of the Stickney Forest View Little League, has commended mothers the little ballplayers who made the recent climactic banquet for the loop a success. In a letter to Mrs. Norman' Johnson, outgoing president of the L.L. Womans Auxiliary, Straka stated in tart: Let me congratulate who made both the 1960 season and the banquet meaningful success and the fathers and friends of the league who gave us a wonderful turnout It offers promise of greater seasons in the future fine programs for our future citizens.

The new Womans Auxiliary president is Mrs. Jane Goering. Ski Club Ready The Salt Creek Ski Club, of Western Springs, is prepared for its winter season. The club treks ski spots in Michigan and Wisconsin for activities. NOVEMBER 14 TO It INCLUSIVE 7135 W.

OGDEN CUnderson 4-2696 'Vs- i. .1 1 Ed Halik. Kenny Stefani. Kenny Palmar, Rich Hins, Don Driver, coach) Robert Billington, Jamea Schmidt. George Trepina, and John D1 Benardo.

PERSHING CHAMPS Front row, (left to righl)t Tom Ziska, Frank Turucs. Bruce Will, Clarence GoralsM, Bruce Salt Crfig Maractk, and Tarry Zabransky. Back rowt Robert Hess, v. 0 I rtmTire VMI TO I YOU TO IT ENTITIES i 5 I1AM2MS wf i I 04 CwUrnsr MAC'S SELF-SERVICE DRIVE IN SELF SERVICE VA DRIVE IN KOMENSKY KINGS Front row, (left to Jack Fundk. Scott Travnicek.

Steve Lantvit. right): Terry Tuma. Pater Pappas. John Lopes, coach; Chuck Twrek, Dennis Palicka, John John Veverka, Ai KlaiL Georg Mssa. Dave wasko.

Bruce Sykors. Tony Lverih, and Fisher, Ken Kec and Bill Gamlin. Back tow! Leonard Di Brito. Frank kralochvU, Cliff Baron, Mike Fttola. i lA.

Berwyn Life from Berwyn, Illinois (2024)


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