Lustful Hungers of the Fox King - Chapter 1 - Dakkaman777 (2024)

Chapter Text

For hundreds of years the Kyuubi, the nine tailed fox known as Kurama had lay sealed in the body of a host. And for hundreds of years those host were women of the Uzumaki clan, famed for their expertise in the use of seals and chakra manipulation.

The current host of the Kyuubi was none other than Naruko Uzumaki, the beautiful blonde daughter of the great Hokage Minato Namikaze and the beautiful Kushina Uzumaki.

Naruko had proven herself a worthy inheritor of her father’s legacy. She had become one of the best Shinobi of the village, earned the respect and admiration of her peers and made her deceased father proud.

Minato had died the day Naruko was born, he gave his life sealing the Kyuubi into his daughter, saving the life of his wife and saving the village of Konoha.

Kushina had to raise Naruko by herself as a single mother, but the experienced and trained Shinobi could handle it, and for all her years her work had paid off and her little girl had grown up into a capable young woman.

Naruko had made so many great friends.

She had become a much-loved member of the village.

She had a dedicated girlfriend.

She had a loving mother.

She had a great life.

Kushina couldn’t be happier for her.

But little did the mother know, that hundreds of years of being sealed within the bodies of hosts had done something to the Nine Tailed Fox.

Kurama had been dwelling inside Uzumaki women for hundreds of years. And during those centuries his primal nature had been building, like a Fox in the material world he had needs and desires that had been supressed and caged.

Everything had a breaking point. And unknown to all, Kurama’s was getting close.

X x x x x x x x X x x x x x x x X x x x x x x x X x x x x x x x X x x x x x x x X x x x x x x x X

“See you guys later!” Naruko waved off Sasuki, Sakura, Ino, Tenten and Sai, her friends from the academy.

Naruko was undoubtedly one of the most beautiful girls in the village. Her tan, unblemished skin a work of art, her bright blue eyes framing a pretty face and gorgeous smile, bright golden blonde hair tied up in two very cute twin tails. And her figure that of a super model or star athlete.

All framed by the whisker marks on her face, a feature no Kyuubi host had before, but a feature quickly waved off by all that knew the blonde. Still walking beside the Blonde Uzumaki was her girlfriend of the past 2 years, Hinata Hyuuga. Hinata had managed to somewhat break out of her shell in the 2 years she spent with Naruko, sure she still had her timid moments and still wore baggy clothing over her beautiful figure, but Naruko would work to break her out further.

The two girls were very much in love and had been for some time, even Hinata’s father had allowed them to remain in a relationship so long as Hinata’s sister Hanabi be made heiress in her stead. Naruko’s love meant more to Hinata than a title anyway.

“So, anything planned tonight?” Naruko asked Hinata, holding the bluenette’s hand.

“Not really, just stay in, maybe watch a movie with Hanabi, what about you?” Hinata replied.

“I’ve got to watch the house tonight, Mom’s going out with her friends later and I promised” Naruko smiled.

“Ok…you sure you don’t want me to come over?” Hinata asked.

“Any other day I would Hina, but I’ve been getting really tired lately. I might be coming down with the flu, I’m probably going to drop asleep when I get back anyway” Naruko replied.

Hinata had noticed that her girlfriend had been very drowsy lately, as if she was losing sleep, not enough to be a problem but enough to notice.

“Ok…just call me if you want me to come over and…um…play…play nurse” Hinata blushed cutely.

“Don’t tempt me” Naruko kissed Hinata sweetly on the mouth.

The two went separate ways to their homes, Hinata returning to the Hyuuga compound while Naruko returned to her and her mother’s house.

Walking through the front door, Naruko hung her orange jacket up on a clothes peg.

“Mom! I’m home!” Naruko called out.

“Welcome back sweetie! Did you and the girls have a fun time?” Kushina shouted back from the kitchen.

“Yeah, not bad. Sai showed us some of her new paintings, she says its ‘expressionist’, but it all looks the same to me” Naruko took off her sneakers.

“You should humour her dear, she’s an artist, they aren’t always up there” Kushina chuckled.

“Say, I’m really pooped today, I might head up to bed and get some Z’s” Naruko called.

“Wait just one second! I need you to look at my dress!” Kushina called, Naruko waited patiently at the bottom of the stairs.

“Well, what do you think?” Kushina walked out of the kitchen, wearing a pure black dress that reached her knees with a single slit into the left side, showing off a bit of thigh. The plunging neckline revealed a generous amount of cleavage and did wonder with the contrast of her pale skin and red hair.

She looked gorgeous.

“Whoa mom…you look hot” Naruko smirked.

“Oh, shush you” Kushina rolled her eyes.

“Seriously you look smoking! You looking to pick up some guys tonight?” Naruko smirked.

“Oh, come on, I’m just going out with the girls for a good time. Tsume said I would afford to be a bit more adventurous” Kushina smiled, turning, showing off the dress in its entirety, the back showing off more of her smooth unblemished skin.

Kushina wasn’t interested in picking up guys anyway, she had only ever been satisfied by one man in her life. But the chances of her finding someone like him tonight were slim as paper.

Naruko and Kushina’s relationship wasn’t your typical mother/daughter relationship, if not for the knowledge that Uzumaki’s aged much slower than regular people, one would be forgiven for thinking the two were sisters.

“Are you feeling alright honey?” Kushina asked, approaching Naruko and inspecting her blood shot eyes.

“I’m fine, just…haven’t been sleeping well for the last few days” Naruko smiled.

“Are you sure? I could cancel tonight?” Kushina offered.

“No, mom, you’ve been looking forward to this for a while, go ahead I’ll be fine, just a little sleepy” Naruko smiled drowsily.

“Well ok…just don’t forget to have something to eat when you wake up k?” Kushina asked.

“Don’t worry mom, I’ll be fine” Naruko smiled before walking up the stairs to her room.

“You just have a great night!” Naruko waved at her mother weakly.

X x x x x x X x x x x x x X x x x x x x X x x x x x x x X x x x x x x x X x x x x x x x X

The Blonde Shinobi dropped face first on her bed, dressed only in a pair of black boyshorts and a yellow top. Naruko had truly been sleepless for the past few nights, her nights riddled with so many factors making rest harder.

Her chakra had been up and down the walls in terms of output.

Her body simply refused to go to sleep.

And her dreams were so lewd and sexual that they often woke her in a sweat.

The past few nights had been restless, her masturbating beneath the covers to try and gain some relief from the constant heat within her system, but everything she tried failed. She didn’t know what was wrong with her, she and Hinata had a healthy sex life, but what she was feeling was coursing through her system like a wildfire, only getting worse with each night and robbing her of both sleep and energy.

It took her hours to even drift off to sleep, her mother had gone, and the sun had set.

Naruko lay there in her bed, the cover kicked off in a mess as she lay on her back, her navel exposed as her top rode up messily.

The seal appeared on her belly as the young girl grimaced.


“Wha…what the hell?” Naruko found herself deep in that pitch black room, the watery ripples below her shimmering.

This place felt different, the young Jinchuuriki couldn’t put her finger on why, but it felt…off.

“It’s about time you showed up” boomed the deep, sepulchral voice of the Kyuubi.

“Fox? Where are you? What’s going on?” Naruko asked as she tried to locate the Fox’s voice.

“Why don’t you try and figure it out, Kit? I wonder if you even can” Kurama continued, his voice felt like it was moving around, impossible as Naruko knew he was sealed and imprisoned many times over.

He couldn’t have broken out? Could he?

“Why can’t I sleep? Something hasn’t been right for days…tell me what’s been going on!” Naruko demanded.

“Alright Kit, since I am in a very…giving mood” Kurama chuckled.

Naruko felt a chill crawl up her spine, not an unpleasant one, but one you would expect from the touch of a lover in a moment of passion. She turned around to see nothing behind her, but the rippling of the water below her only intensified.

“How long have you and I been bound together, Kit? 19 years? 20?” Kurama asked.

“20, why ask?” Naruko asked.

“For 20 years I’ve been cultivating some of my more…primal chakras for this very moment. Ever since your wretched father imprisoned me within you…as angry as that memory makes me…I am glad he did it with his dying breath, as he missed out a few key seals that Uzumaki seal masters wouldn’t have” Kurama chuckled from the shadows.

“Key Seals? What are you talking about?” Naruko asked with confusion.

“Your father sealed me within you in such a hurry that he botched the procedure. He failed to seal me completely and for lack of a better term…left a few holes in the cage” Kurama continued to chuckle.

“I won’t let you escape…my mother taught me a few seals in case you ever tried! I won’t let you destroy the leaf or hurt anyone else!” Naruko got into a fighting stance.

“Oh Kit…you completely misunderstand me…this isn’t a breakout attempt. And even if I did escape, I wouldn’t hurt a hair on your head or one of your precious friends” Kurama replied.

“What are you talking about?” Naruko asked.

“Those ‘Primal Chakras’ I was referring to earlier, weren’t to break out of you, no, quite the opposite. Those Chakras of mine took 20 long years to bind you to me, as opposed to binding me to you” Kurama smiled from the darkness.

“What?” Naruko asked as he face paled.

“To put it simply, I’m the one holding the leash now…darling” Kurama slowly stepped out of the dark, his voice taking a more human tone as he stepped into the light.

Instead of seeing Kurama in his enormous Fox form, standing there was a human male, pale white skin, a long mane of bright red hair, a pair of fox ears sticking out of the mane, glowing red eyes, sharp canine teeth, clawed hands and feet and 9 bush fox tails sticking out behind him.

He wore a pitch-black Kimono, loosely, showing off his muscled abs and pecs.

“…Fox?” Naruko asked.

“Kurama, though ‘Master’ will do, hell I will settle for ‘lover’ or even ‘daddy’” Kurama smiled, showing off his sharp canine teeth.

“What the f*ck are you talking about?” Naruko shouted angrily.

“Watch that language” Kurama raised a hand, black tendrils exploding from out of the water and binding Naruko’s hands and feet, one wrapping around her mouth to muffle her words.

“There, that’s better” Kurama smirked as he approached, his bare feet making ripples in the water.

The Fox man admired Naruko’s body with hungry eyes, gazing at her bountiful breasts, her toned figure, her tight ass. Her shorts and top did nothing to cover her from his eyes.

“Beautiful” Kurama smiled as he reached out and cupped Naruko’s cheek, rubbing his thumb against her whisker markings.

“Didn’t you ever wonder why you have these? None of my other vessels did, they mean you were meant to be mine, Naruko” Kurama smiled.

Naruko’s eyes widened in shock, Kurama had never called her by her name before, it was always ‘Kit’ or ‘child’ or ‘girl’ or even ‘pest’ on occasions. The fact he was acting so out of character was frightening her, even as he gazed at her with a primal lust.

“For 20 years I’ve been saturating you with my raw, sexual chakras, slowly letting them seep into your soul. All the while playing nice behind a cage I could have opened at any time. I’ve been through so many heat seasons with no mate, I should have gone mad from the build-up, what you’ve been feeling for the past few days was a mere taste of my frustration” Kurama enjoyed the feeling of Naruko’s cheek on his hand.

“You’ve rubbed off on me though, Naruko. Those lustful teenage lusts of those girls you call friends, Satsuki, Sakura, Ino, Tenten, Sai…Hinata” Kurama licked his lips.

Naruko struggled and swore against her bonds, her voice muffled by the gag. Kurama didn’t flinch, in fact he seemed to enjoy the spirit she was showing.

“I picked out this form just for them. Sleek, powerful, masculine, but with all my best features” Kurama’s tails swayed back and forth.

“Do you think they’ll like it?” he asked.

Naruko growled behind her gag but stopped when Kurama closed the distance and glared into her eyes. His glowing red eyes were almost hypnotic as they pulsated.

“Your mother certainly did” Kurama added, making Naruko’s eyes widened even further.


“That’s right, your mother had her own lusts that needed taking care of. Your father couldn’t handle her between the sheets, so she would slip in here to give me a good ride. She created this form to please herself, the perfect mate as it were” Kurama leaned in to whisper in Naruko’s ear.

“She would ride my co*ck for hours on end. Her lusts only amplified my own…in a way, she is to blame for your current predicament” Kurama smiled at the memories.
Ironic, he had f*cked his jailer’s wife as she slept in his bed, now he was going to take his jailer’s daughter. He would enjoy seeing Minato’s failure complete, but not as much as claiming Naruko as his breeding sow.

“I’ve been trapped within you Uzumaki women for centuries, unable to satisfy even the most basic of my urges by myself. I am a Fox, the Nine Tailed Fox! I am an Alpha of the highest order and have been unable to relieve myself of my most primal needs…centuries of that would drive a mortal being mad…”

“…but not anymore. Now I can finally unleash my lusts! To sate my hungers on you…and every one of those beautiful ladies you call friends” Kurama smiled, reaching down to Naruko’s belly.

Kurama placed his palm flat on Naruko’s belly, the seal appearing as the Fox man’s hand glowed red with his primordial Chakra. The black markings began to shift and transform as the Chakra seeped further and further.

“MMMMMMMMMMM!!!” Naruko let out a loud and unruly moan as she felt her nerves spasm and her puss* tighten.

“Yes, that’s it Naruko. Let it in, let my Chakra overpower you…feel my lusts and desires, feel my frustration as it becomes your own” Kurama licked his lips with anticipation.

Naruko’s mind was going haywire, electrical impulses firing like a lightning storm as she lost all logical thought. Her puss* was tightening like crazy, like a vixen going into a heat she felt herself get hotter and hotter.

In the material world, Naruko was panting in bed, her covers kicked clean off her as red bubbling chakra emanated from her and began to take shape.

“Yes…It’s been so long! I won’t be restrained to this plane for any longer!” Kurama laughed as his form within Naruko’s dreamscape began to glow red.

Naruko couldn’t fathom the insane frustrations coursing through her body as Kurama laughed, her mind melting in an acidic pit of need and want. Her higher brain functions failing bit by bit, all thoughts of restraint replaced by the primal animal parts of her brain taking over. More precisely the part of her brain that drove mammals to mate and breed, to seek out worthy mates and let them dominate.

“Feel your new purpose! Accept it into your soul! You aren’t a Shinobi, you are a Vixen, meant to be taken by an Alpha Fox, you are meant to be mine!” Kurama smiled as he felt his form within the dreamscape fade and convert.

“I’ll see you on the outside, Naruko” Kurama laughed.

Naruko’s last sane thoughts within the dreamscape were of Hinata, what would become of her girlfriend and her other friends? She had failed them, her father had failed her and her mother. The sane thoughts befitting Naruko Uzumaki faded away, leaving nothing but the primal needs of a female animal…a female Fox behind.

She wasn’t a Shinobi anymore.

She was a Vixen.

*Outside of the dreamscape

Naruko’s eyes slowly flickered open, her surrounding unblurring quickly as she felt a new energy within her, rejuvenating her and shaking free that tired feeling she had been stuck in for the past few days.

Standing there at the foot of her bed, was none other than Kurama, in his human form, admiring her with hungry eyes.

“Strip” he growled as his hands came down to his robe, undoing the sash and letting it fall to the floor, exposing his muscled form and 10-inch hard co*ck.

Naruko didn’t need to be told twice as her hands quickly went to work, stripping of her shorts and top, throwing them and her underwear to the floor, leaving her completely nude.

A delectable treat for the Fox King to devour.

Kurama simply licked his lips before lunging at his prey.

The Fox’s hands roamed all over Naruko’s smooth and sexy body, grasping at her breasts, roaming over her ass, giving both cheeks a good hard squeeze capped off with a spank. He licked and sucked at her neck and teased her dripping wet c*nt with his manhood.

“It’s good to be free” Kurama grinned before he plunged his co*ck into Naruko’s sopping wet depths.

The young Vixen’s depths were wet and primed, all ready for her primal mate to take her hard and rough. Kurama’s thrusts were hard, slapping their hips together with all the grace one would expect from a horny animal wanting to breed.

“f*ck, you are so tight Naruko” Kurama groaned, loving the feel of a fresh puss* tightly gripping his co*ck again, it had been so long since Kurama had f*cked and boy did Naruko feel good. Her young, velvety walls untouched by a man were heavenly around his length.

“So…big” Naruko murmured in a lust induced haze.

Kurama’s hips moved at a breakneck pace, the clapping of hips echoing through the room as things heated up. Naruko thrusted her hips back at Kurama, her mind adapted and shifted to suite his needs perfectly. Kurama was her mate, her alpha male, it was his seed she needed deep inside her.

The bed creaked and slammed against the wall as Kurama refused to slow down, hammering deep into the quivering depths of his jailer’s daughter. 20 years had made him hungry, and he was enjoying everything this little blonde slu*t had to offer him.

“f*ck me!! Take me master!! Ravage my puss*!!” Naruko screamed as she clawed at Kurama’s back.

“Keep talking slu*t!! Tell me what you want!”

“I want you to break me!! Break my puss*!! Break me apart and ravage me!! Fuuuuck!!” Naruko moaned like a whor*, all thoughts of her girlfriend out of the window as she was reduced to a slu*t for Kurama’s frustrations.

“Yes! Such a fine mate!” Kurama growled as his hands grasped Naruko’s ass, using it to leverage his thrusts, piercing her depths further and further.

“My mate! Mine! You are mine, Naruko! Say it!” Kurama growled, his burning red eyes glaring into her soul, his hands wrapping around her throat.

“I’m…I’m…yours!” Naruko gasped as her face turned red and her eyes rolled back.

“Fuuuuck!!!” Kurama roared as he felt Naruko’s insides spasm around him.

The Nine tailed Fox exploded inside of his former vessel, spraying his essence deep inside her. With another lunge, Kurama bit into the space between Naruko’s neck and shoulder, his demonic chakra mixing with hers at a level it never had before.

The seal on her belly shifted and changed, repositioning on Naruko’s back, the black markings changed to the visage of a red eyed fox. This was the mark that proved Naruko belonged to him, she was his mate now, and no other male would ever satisfy her primal urges.

The Fox King pulled back, gazing upon his conquest, a smile of satisfaction spreading across his face as he looked at Naruko gasp, tongue lolling out of her mouth and eyes hazy. The Jailer’s daughter had been well and truly broken, no longer a proud shinobi, now nothing but a sexy collection of holes for him to f*ck.

“You had better not think I’m done” Kurama smiled before reaching down and grabbing Naruko’s twin tails.

Through the next few hours, Kurama asserted his will and dominance over Naruko, letting her know with every hip thrust that she belonged to him, that she was nothing but a sexy little breeding bitch. He grabbed her twin tails and used them as leverage when he f*cked her doggystyle, and when he forced her to deepthroat him.
Every position ended the same way, with Kurama roaring in victory and Naruko cumming her brains out. They f*cked on every single surface in her room, by the end, both were dripping with sweat and Naruko’s c*nt oozed with Chakra rich sem*n.

Every load Kurama pumped into her further tightened his hold on her, by the time he was done, there was no trace of the original Naruko left.

The once proud Shinobi lay on her front, Kurama licking and kissing the nape of her neck as they basked in the afterglow of their last joined org*sm. His co*ck buried deep into her battered and tender c*nt as she finally managed to drift to sleep.

When she awoke, she would cease to be the woman she was and be the new plaything of the Nine Tailed Fox. Naruko Uzumaki was gone, all that remained was the first conquest of the new Fox King of Konoha.

In time he would work his way through every one of Naruko’s sexy friends.

For so long he had been subject to the memories in her mind of her sexy little friends and dreamt of emptying his load into them. He would enjoy taking them one by one, he would take this village and make it his own personal harem.

But first, he would reunite with an old flame.

And give her his deepest thanks.

Well? Tell me what you guys thought? You want to see more of this?, please send me suggestions for scenes, and who knows? They might work their way into the story ;)
Please leave your reviews below and check out my other fics (you never know, you might find something you like)

Lustful Hungers of the Fox King - Chapter 1 - Dakkaman777 (2024)


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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Author information

Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.