Olympic National Park Nature & Birding Tour in Washington State — 2025 (2024)

Trip Itinerary

Itineraries are guidelines; variations in itinerary may occur to account for weather, road conditions, closures, etc. and to maximize your experience.

Thurs., Sept. 4 Arrivals in Seattle | Sequim

We pick up at the Radisson Hotel Seattle Airport (within sight of the airport) and other nearby hotels off International Drive this morning not later than 11:00 AM. We suggest you arrive the night before to rest up and be ready for our adventures. Our guides are at this hotel and welcome you to join them for breakfast. If you manage to find an early arriving flight, it’s a quick complimentary shuttle to this hotel.

By 11:00 AM we head toward Sequim, one of the prettiest spots on the Olympic Peninsula. First, we visit the renowned Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge, an Important Bird Area. Enjoy a picnic lunch while watching the birds. This is a prime time of year to visit, and we hope to see several species of Washington’s swallows, American Bittern, Great Blue Heron, Great Egret; Bald Eagle, Osprey, Peregrine Falcon, Northern Harrier, and Red-tailed Hawk; Rufous and Anna’s Hummingbirds; Willow and Pacific Slope Flycatchers; Pacific, Bewick’s, and Marsh Wrens; Yellow Warbler, Common Yellowthroat, and Wilson’s Warbler; Savannah, White-crowned, and Song Sparrows; Band-tailed Pigeon; and more. We try to find as many as 40 species while enjoying a leisurely stroll on boardwalks and trails that lead through beautiful habitat.

Established in 1974 for the protection of migratory birds, Nisqually NWR encompasses 3,000 acres of saltwater and freshwater marshes, grasslands, riparian areas, and mixed-forest habitats, providing resting and nesting habitat for a wide variety of migratory waterfowl, songbirds, raptors, and wading birds. Recently, this outstanding refuge got even better with the construction of a one-mile boardwalk through saltmarsh wetlands to the shores of Puget Sound.

From Nisqually we travel to the Olympic Peninsula, where we spend three nights in the town of Sequim. Our route takes us across the famous Tacoma Narrows Bridge. “Galloping Gertie” has long been replaced by two beautiful, and sturdy, suspension bridges. “Sunny Sequim” is ideally located close to several birding hotspots, including Olympic National Park. It’s also a great place to find excellent local dining.

After settling into your accommodations, head up to the rooftop viewing area to see the surrounding peaks, forests and prairie. We gather for a welcome dinner and a chance to get to know your guides and travel companions.
Accommodations at the Holiday Inn Express, Sequim (L,D)

Fri., Sept. 5 Sequim

Early morning we head out to drive the scenic road up to Hurricane Ridge, located at an elevation of 5,242 feet in Olympic National Park. A winding road takes us through changing vegetation as we climb; we eventually top out in the alpine zone for fabulous views of multiple mountain ranges. Common Ravens ride thermals above the ridgelines.

While still in the forests, we stop at the park’s main visitor center. Waterfalls cascade down cliffs along the road, and scenic stops abound. Panoramic views of peaks and valleys carved by glaciers provide gorgeous scenery and a compelling geology classroom. We learn about the remarkable adaptations of plants and animals to high elevation as we search for one of the Olympic Peninsula’s many endemic species, the Olympic Marmot.

Along the route, we look for mountain passerines and raptors of the Olympic Peninsula. We listen for the tooting calls of the Northern Pygmy-Owl. Active during the day, this small owl can be found high in the mountains in autumn when young birds are dispersing. We might spot a Cooper’s Hawk hunting grasshoppers on the tundra, and if we’re lucky, we may glimpse a Goshawk gliding between trees in pursuit of prey or watch a soaring Golden Eagle search the ground below for marmots. Atop Hurricane Ridge are several easy walking paths that offer unobstructed views of peaks, glaciers and forested river valleys of Olympic National Park and adjacent wildlands. You gaze down on the blue waterways that surround the green peninsula, with Washington’s San Juan Islands shimmering in the distance, and Canada’s Vancouver Island visible when the clouds part.

Hurricane Ridge has an impressive bird list, including Horned Lark, Canada Jay, Townsend’s Solitaire, Olive-sided Flycatcher, Chestnut-backed Chickadee, Sooty Grouse, and Anna’s Hummingbird. We also have opportunities to view Black-tailed Deer, Black Bear, Olympic Marmot and Olympic Chipmunk. In the open tundra we look for American Pipit and Horned Lark. Among the groves of stunted, wind-shaped trees in the Krumholtz zone, we may find Sooty Grouse, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Dark-eyed Junco, and White-crowned Sparrow.

Enjoy a picnic lunch and a walk to Hurricane Hill atop Hurricane Ridge for fine views of Olympic peaks and glaciers. In the afternoon, we descend from the mountains to an overlook of one of the two recently removed dams along the Elwha River. This was the largest dam-removal and river restoration project in U.S. history and has already helped revive native salmon populations.

In the afternoon we explore the birdlife and natural history of Port Angeles at locations along Ediz Hook waterfront and the Port Angeles Marina.

Dinner tonight is at a favorite local restaurant.
Accommodations at the Holiday Inn Express, Sequim (B,L,D)

Sat., Sept. 6 Sequim | Birding Hotspots of the Dungeness Area

Enjoy a full day of birding as we sample the Sequim area hotspots: Dungeness Landing, 3-Crabs, Railroad Bridge Park, Dungeness National Wildlife Refuge, Cline Spit, and the Dungeness Fish Hatchery. Here you can view and photograph birds like California Quail, Anna’s and Rufous Hummingbirds, Steller’s Jay, and a variety of songbirds often posing at feeders.

Trails of Railroad Bridge Park, where an outstanding nature center is located, give us a chance to look for Swainson’s Thrush, Pacific-slope and Willow Flycatchers, Western Tanager, Evening Grosbeak, Orange-crowned and Wilson’s Warblers, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Hutton’s and Red-eyed Vireos, and Northern Shrike. The sheltered waters and mudflats of Dungeness National Wildlife refuge, along with the Dungeness Spit, provide great habitat for waterfowl and shorebirds. Some of the species we could see include: Brant; Pacific, Common, and Red-throated Loons; Western, Horned, and Red-necked Grebes; Glaucous-winged and Short-billed Gulls; and Pigeon Guillemot and Common Murre. We walk a short distance onto the Dungeness Spit and then back again, looking for shorebirds such as Sanderling, Whimbrel, Black-bellied Plover, and Black Oystercatcher, while enjoying the views from this natural wonder, one of the world’s longest sand spits.

If time permits, we may look for Rhinoceros Auklet and other seabirds at the rock jetty of John Wayne Marina, or we might search for Short-eared Owls hunting voles in fields at dusk. Driving back to our lodgings at Sequim, we see some of the history of the Dungeness area—old schoolhouses and picturesque barns dot the landscape. Sequim has become a popular spot for growing lavender and has some wonderful restaurants—we sample another local restaurant tonight.
Accommodations at the Holiday Inn Express, Sequim (B,L,D)

Sun., Sept. 7 Kalaloch | Makah Tribal Lands & Cape Flattery

This morning we venture out along scenic Highway 112 to Cape Flattery, the farthest northwest point in the lower 48 states and located on the Makah Reservation. This area is impressive for its remoteness, scenic beauty, and native culture. The route is winding and passes through a mix of pristine forests and sprawling clearcuts, bringing the logging history of the peninsula into perspective. Part of the route parallels the coast, where Bald Eagle are commonly seen hunting for fish, or pirating them from other birds. Near Neah Bay we find ancient Western Redcedars in the forests. Known as the Tree of Life, this species was vitally important to Indigenous people and remains at the center of their rich cultural traditions today.

Neah Bay is one of the most important birding hotspots in Washington State. It is famous for rarities because it sits at the mouth of the Strait of Juan de Fuca, located just around the corner from the open sea. In the village of Neah Bay, we enjoy the impressive Makah Museum and explore the bay shoreline, looking for species like Black Turnstone and Wandering Tattler on the rock jetty.

We then take a hike on a tribal trail to Cape Flattery. From a prominent viewing area, we look out toward a seabird nesting island in the open ocean. Watch for Tufted Puffin, Sooty Shearwater, Brown Pelican, Peregrine Falcon, Osprey, Black Oystercatcher, Caspian Tern, and Western and Glaucous-winged Gulls. Mammals that we search for from this scenic perch include Sea Otter, Harbor Seal, Steller Sea Lion, and Humpback Whale.

From Neah Bay it is a two-hour drive down the coast to Kalaloch Lodge in Olympic National Park, where we spend three nights. The ocean view along this wild and rugged coastline is dramatic. Settle into your accommodations and enjoy dinner at the lodge in the lovely dining room looking out to the ocean. Evenings we typically tally up the day’s species list.
Accommodations in cabins at Kalaloch Lodge, Olympic National Park (B,L,D)

Mon., Sept. 8 Kalaloch | Coastal Coves & Temperate Rainforest

Kalaloch Lodge sits on the edge of a bluff overlooking the Pacific Ocean. The sound of the surf is constant, and you can taste sea salt in the air. Next to the lodge, freshwater Kalaloch Creek meets saltwater—this opportunity for a fresh rinse draws numerous bird species to wash off the salt. Seals and whales are often seen from shore. From Kalaloch it is a short drive to Olympic National Park’s Hoh Rainforest, part of the largest temperate rainforest in the world.

Today we explore a loop trail in what is perhaps Olympic National Park’s most famous site—the legendary Hoh Rainforest. Experience the splendor of cathedral-like groves while searching among the ancient trees for birds and wildlife. Massive Sitka Spruce and Western Hemlock dominate the rainforest, and Western Redcedar, Douglas-fir, Red Alder, and Vine Maple add to the mix. Blanketed in moss and strewn with ferns, the Hoh Rainforest looks like an enchanted forest from a fairytale.

The west side of Olympic National Park is one of the world’s wettest places, and myriad plant species thrive here. We examine mosses, liverworts, ferns, and fungi. Big-leaf Maple is perhaps this area’s most memorable tree species, with fantastically sculptured trunks and branches. These trees also have a fascinating adaptation: they send rootlets into the mosses and epiphytes on their branches to absorb water and nutrients.

Starting with the weirdly charismatic Banana Slug, we observe an intricate web of ecological relationships that bind all forest life. Above us stand mighty trees, giants of another era that continue to provide nest sites for Marbled Murrelets and Northern Spotted Owls. Under the lush forest canopy, we look for feeding flocks of Townsend’s Solitaire, Chestnut-backed Chickadee, Townsend’s Warbler, and Olive-sided Flycatcher. On Black Cottonwoods along rushing streams, we might find Orange-crowned Warbler, Pacific-slope Flycatcher, Western Tanager and Brown Creeper, and we may hear Vaux’s Swift chattering above us. We could encounter herds of Roosevelt Elk. After walking among forest giants, some of which are over 1,000 years old, we enjoy a picnic lunch beneath the ancient trees. Then we continue on our way.

In the afternoon, we visit Lake Quinault and the historic Lake Quinault Lodge of the Olympic National Forest and Quinault Tribe. We enjoy an early dinner in their historic dining room.
Accommodations at Kalaloch Lodge (B,L,D)

Tues., Sept. 9 Kalaloch | Coastal Walks & Birding

A short drive north of Kalaloch is the little logging town of Forks, Washington which features a Timber Museum and a terrific birding trail.

Indigenous people have a long and fascinating history in this region. The Quileute Tribe is a sovereign nation, meaning they have their own government inside of the United States. Their Tribal Council allows the public to access a great location at First Beach. Here we look for birds and wildlife and enjoy stunning views of sea stacks (rock pillars rising above the ocean waves). Locations we might explore include La Push, Rialto Beach, Mora, and the Quileute Harbor. There are a number of short hikes we can take to sample varied habitats and viewpoints. Today is a fine day to focus not only on birds, but also on plant life and other biodiversity of the Pacific Northwest. We enjoy another dinner in the cozy dining room of our lodge.
Accommodations at Kalaloch Lodge, Olympic National Park (B,L,D)

Wed., Sept. 10 Bainbridge

After breakfast, we head back north across the Olympic Peninsula and travel along the shore of beautiful Crescent Lake, located within Olympic National Park. This basin was carved by glaciers and dammed by a landslide, impounding crystalline waters that are home to two species of endemic salmonid fish. We stop at Lake Crescent Lodge on the Barnes Peninsula to look for American Dipper, Western Tanager, Hammond’s Flycatcher, Brown Creeper, and Red-breasted Nuthatch. President Franklin Roosevelt signed the final paperwork that created Olympic National Park in 1938. Shortly after, he visited the Olympic Peninsula and stayed at Lake Crescent Lodge. There is rich history on this bit of land that juts into the brilliant blue waters of Lake Crescent. The lake is also a geologic wonder at 624 feet deep, with the bottom below sea level.

From Lake Crescent, we continue across the Olympic Peninsula to the Kitsap Peninsula, and then onward to Bainbridge Island, where we spend our final night. Getting an early start, along the way we visit Port Townsend, a historic Victorian seaport. Fort Worden State Park, best known as the set for the film “An Officer and a Gentleman” is also an outstanding area for seabirds due to the tidal mixing of currents near the Point Wilson Lighthouse. Common Murre, Marbled Murrelet, Rhinoceros Auklet, Pacific and Common Loons, Harlequin and Long-tailed Ducks are all possible here. We look for shorebirds on the beaches, and we watch for Northern Harrier hunting rodents among the sand dunes. After walking around the scenic lighthouse area with sweeping views of the Strait of Juan de Fuca, Whidbey Island, and Cascade and Olympic peaks, we head just a few miles to Kah Tai Lagoon to look for a variety of waterfowl and sparrows. Here we are likely to see Bufflehead, Ring-necked and Ruddy Ducks, Common and Hooded Mergansers, Northern Shoveler, and American Wigeon, and possibly Eurasian Wigeon, Green-winged Teal, and Northern Pintail. We will also look for Greater Yellowlegs hunting Three-spined Stickleback along the lakeshore.

Our route takes us across the Hood Canal Bridge, the longest floating bridge in the world that crosses saltwater. We arrive at Bainbridge in time to see some of the island and settle into our lodgings and freshen up before our final dinner at a great local restaurant.
Accommodations at Marshall Suites, Bainbridge Island (B,L,D)

Thurs., Sept. 11 Bainbridge Island | Return to Seattle

This morning we take the Bainbridge ferry across Puget Sound. If the weather cooperates, we marvel at panoramic views of the Seattle skyline and the Olympic Mountains—a grand finale to our exploring. Puget Sound is home to the Glaucous-winged Gull year-round. Other gull species like Heerman’s and Short-billed can be seen this time of year, along with Pigeon Guillemot and Rhinoceros Auklet. We also look for Bald Eagle, Surf Scoter, Horned Grebe, and Pelagic, Double-crested and Brandt’s Cormorants.

We time our ferry for mid-morning with plans to be at the airport by 11:30 AM. Please plan on flights out after 1:30 PM. We can also drop you off at the Radisson Hotel Seattle Airport or the airport hotel of your choice if you wish to stay on in Seattle or to take a next day early morning flight. There is a handy light rail public transportation station that makes getting to downtown convenient. (B)

Olympic National Park Nature & Birding Tour in Washington State — 2025 (2024)


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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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