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Platformizing Organizations: A Synthesis of the Literature (2024)


What is a platform organization? ›

A platform is a meta-organization, a formative context that molds structures, and routines shaping them into well-known forms, such as the hierarchy, the matrix and even the network, but on a highly volatile basis.

What is organization in literary writing? ›

Organization in writing is how ideas are presented. Typically, organization refers to the larger parts of a piece of writing, although it also refers to how paragraphs and sentences are written. The flow of a piece of writing affects how readers interpret ideas.

What are the 3 elements of a platform? ›

To ensure that each project is a success, here are the top items to know when you start platform design. The three critical elements that an engineer needs to design a platform are location, slab capacity, and platform use. The location of the platform is critical for multiple reasons.

What is a platform and why is IT important? ›

In IT, a platform is any hardware or software used to host an application or service. An application platform, for example, consists of hardware, an operating system (OS), and coordinating programs that use the instruction set for a particular processor or microprocessor.

What is organizational design in literature? ›

The way in which managers structure their organization in order to achieve the organization's goals. The formal design of an organization is laid out in an organization chart, which indicates the duties, tasks, and responsibilities of both individuals and departments.

What are two examples of the Organisational features found in literary texts? ›

These include bullet points, headings, numbered lists and standard paragraphs. They are more commonly found in non-fiction texts. All of these organisational devices help to break up blocks of text to make information easily digestible.

What is the definition of platform company? ›

What is a Platform Company? A platform company refers to the initial acquisition made by a Private Equity Group in a specific industry or marketplace. The acquisition acts as the starting point for other acquisitions in the same industry.

What does it mean to become a platform company? ›

Unlike companies with traditional models, platform businesses act as intermediaries that facilitate transactions and interactions, meaning they don't need to invest heavily in production, inventory, and resources.

What is a platform and example? ›

A computer or hardware device and/or associated operating system, or a virtual environment, on which software can be installed or run. Examples of platforms include Linux™, Microsoft Windows Vista®, and Java™.


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