Prefixes & Suffixes - 90+ Examples, List, Uses, Exercises (2024)

Prefixes & Suffixes

Prefixes & Suffixes - 90+ Examples, List, Uses, Exercises (1)

Prefixes and Suffixes are groups of letters added to the beginning or end of a word to change its meaning or form a new word. A prefix is added to the start of a root word, altering its meaning, such as “un-” in “unhappy” to indicate not happy. A suffix is added to the end of a root word, often changing its grammatical function, like “-ness” in “happiness,” transforming the adjective “happy” into the noun “happiness.” Understanding prefixes and suffixes helps in decoding unfamiliar words, enhancing vocabulary, and improving language comprehension and usage.

What are Prefixes & Suffixes?

Prefixes and suffixes are sets of letters added to the beginning or end of a word to change its meaning. Prefixes (e.g., “un-” in “undo”) modify the word’s meaning, while suffixes (e.g., “-ness” in “kindness”) change its grammatical function. These elements help expand vocabulary and clarify meaning in English.

Examples of Prefixes and Suffixes

  1. Un-: Unhappy (not happy)
  2. Re-: Rewrite (write again)
  3. Pre-: Preheat (heat before)
  4. Dis-: Dislike (not like)
  5. Mis-: Misunderstand (understand wrongly)
  6. Non-: Nonexistent (not existing)
  7. Over-: Overcook (cook too much)
  8. Sub-: Submarine (underwater vessel)
  9. Inter-: International (between nations)
  10. Trans-: Transatlantic (across the Atlantic)
  11. -ed: Talked (past tense of talk)
  12. -ness: Kindness (state of being kind)
  13. -ful: Hopeful (full of hope)
  14. -ly: Quickly (in a quick manner)
  15. -tion: Education (the act of educating)
  16. -ment: Enjoyment (state of enjoying)
  17. -able: Readable (can be read)
  18. -less: Fearless (without fear)
  19. -ous: Dangerous (full of danger)
  20. -ish: Childish (like a child)

Prefix and Suffix Examples Sentence

  1. She felt unhappy about the decision.
  2. I had to rewrite my essay after receiving feedback.
  3. Please preheat the oven before baking the cake.
  4. I dislike waking up early in the morning.
  5. He misunderstood the instructions completely.
  6. The concept of ghosts is often considered nonexistent.
  7. Be careful not to overcook the pasta.
  8. The submarine explored the depths of the ocean.
  9. The international conference attracted delegates from around the world.
  10. The transatlantic flight took about eight hours.
  11. She talked about her trip to Europe.
  12. His kindness towards strangers is admirable.
  13. She remained hopeful despite the challenges.
  14. The cat moved quickly to catch the mouse.
  15. The school provides excellent education for its students.
  16. He found great enjoyment in reading books.
  17. The font is readable on all devices.
  18. The soldier was fearless in the face of danger.
  19. The storm created dangerous conditions on the road.
  20. His behavior was rather childish for his age.
  21. The instructions were unclear, causing confusion.
  22. She decided to reorganize her closet.
  23. He often prejudges people before getting to know them.
  24. The disagreement led to a heated argument.
  25. They had to miscalculate the total cost.
  26. His idea was dismissed as nonsense.
  27. The project is unfinished and needs more work.
  28. The substandard performance was disappointing.
  29. The interaction between the two was fascinating.
  30. The bridge was designed to withstand transcontinental travel.

Prefixes and Suffixes List


Uses of Prefixes and Suffixes

  1. Change the meaning of a word: Adding a prefix or suffix can alter the meaning of the original word.
    • Example: “happy” to “unhappy” (not happy)
  2. Indicate tense: Suffixes can modify a verb to show past, present, or future tense.
    • Example: “talk” to “talked” (past tense)
  3. Form nouns: Adding suffixes can turn verbs or adjectives into nouns.
    • Example: “kind” to “kindness” (state of being kind)
  4. Create adjectives: Suffixes can convert nouns or verbs into adjectives.
    • Example: “hope” to “hopeful” (full of hope)
  5. Show opposites: Prefixes often create the opposite meaning of the root word.
    • Example: “agree” to “disagree” (not agree)
  6. Express repetition: Prefixes can indicate that an action is repeated.
    • Example: “write” to “rewrite” (write again)
  7. Specify number: Prefixes can denote quantity or order.
    • Example: “bi-” in “bicycle” (two wheels)
  8. Indicate location or direction: Prefixes can suggest location or direction.
    • Example: “sub-” in “submarine” (underwater vessel)
  9. Modify degree or size: Prefixes can change the degree or size of the word.
    • Example: “over-” in “overcook” (cook too much)
  10. Form adverbs: Suffixes can transform adjectives into adverbs.
    • Example: “quick” to “quickly” (in a quick manner)

Prefixes and Suffixes Exercises

Exercise 1: Form New Words

Create new words by adding prefixes or suffixes to the following root words.

  1. Happy (prefix and suffix)
  2. Write (prefix)
  3. Heat (prefix)
  4. Like (prefix)
  5. Understand (prefix)
  6. Exist (prefix)
  7. Cook (prefix)
  8. Marine (prefix)
  9. Nation (prefix)
  10. Atlantic (prefix)

Answers for Exercise 1:

  1. Unhappy, Happiness
  2. Rewrite
  3. Preheat
  4. Dislike
  5. Misunderstand
  6. Nonexistent
  7. Overcook
  8. Submarine
  9. International
  10. Transatlantic

Exercise 2: Match the Words

Match the words with their correct meanings.

  1. Unhappy a. Not possible
  2. Rewrite b. Between nations
  3. Preheat c. Full of hope
  4. Dislike d. Before heating
  5. Misunderstand e. Not happy
  6. Nonexistent f. Write again
  7. Overcook g. Not like
  8. Submarine h. Cook too much
  9. International i. Underwater vessel
  10. Impossible j. Understand wrongly

Answers for Exercise 2:

  1. e
  2. f
  3. d
  4. g
  5. j
  6. c
  7. h
  8. i
  9. b
  10. a

Exercise 3: Sentence Completion

Complete the sentences using the correct prefix or suffix.

  1. She was very ____ (happy) with her gift.
  2. You need to ____ (heat) the oven before baking.
  3. I had to ____ (write) the essay.
  4. He often ____ (understand) instructions.
  5. The project is ____ (finished).

Answers for Exercise 3:

  1. Unhappy
  2. Preheat
  3. Rewrite
  4. Misunderstand
  5. Unfinished


How do prefixes affect word meaning?

Prefixes modify the original word’s meaning. For example, “pre-” means before, so “preview” means to view beforehand.

How do suffixes affect word form?

Suffixes can change a word’s part of speech or meaning. For example, adding “-ly” to “quick” forms the adverb “quickly.”

Can a word have both a prefix and a suffix?

Yes, a word can have both. For instance, “unhappiness” has the prefix “un-” and the suffix “-ness.”

What are common prefixes?

Common prefixes include “un-” (not), “re-” (again), “pre-” (before), and “dis-” (opposite of).

What are common suffixes?

Common suffixes include “-ing” (action), “-ed” (past tense), “-er” (one who), and “-able” (capable of).

Are there rules for adding suffixes?

Some rules include dropping the final “e” in “love” to add “-ing” (loving) and doubling the final consonant in “plan” to add “-ed” (planned).

Can prefixes have multiple meanings?

Yes, for example, “re-” can mean “again” (redo) or “back” (return).

Are there negative prefixes?

Yes, prefixes like “un-,” “in-,” “non-,” and “dis-” create negative meanings, like “unhappy,” “incorrect,” “nonstop,” and “dislike.”

How do suffixes create nouns?

Suffixes like “-ment” (enjoyment), “-tion” (celebration), and “-ness” (kindness) turn verbs and adjectives into nouns.

How do suffixes create adjectives?

Suffixes like “-ful” (joyful), “-less” (hopeless), and “-ous” (dangerous) turn nouns and verbs into adjectives.

Prefixes & Suffixes - 90+ Examples, List, Uses, Exercises (2024)


What are the 100 examples of prefixes? ›

List of Suffixes & Prefixes
List of Prefix in English
Prefix WordMeaningsPrefix Examples
antebeforeantecedent, antedate
antiagainst, opposinganti-war, anti-bacterial
archmore, extremearch-capitalist, arch-rebel
51 more rows

What are the 20 examples of prefix and suffix? ›

List of Words with a Prefix and a Suffix
PrefixBase WordSuffix
24 more rows

What are the 50 examples of prefixes? ›

Here are 50 examples of prefixes.
para-beside, beyondparallel, paranormal
peri-aroundperiscope, perimeter
poly-manypolygon, polyglot
post-afterpostgraduate, postscript
45 more rows

What are the 50 examples of suffixes? ›

Here are 50 Examples of Common Suffixes:
-lyin a manner ofquickly
-mentaction or processimprovement
-nessstate or quality ofhappiness
-ologystudy ofpsychology
32 more rows

What are the prefixes for 10 100 and 1000? ›

In the SI, designations of multiples and subdivision of any unit may be arrived at by combining with the name of the unit the prefixes deka, hecto, and kilo meaning, respectively, 10, 100, and 1000, and deci, centi, and milli, meaning, respectively, one-tenth, one-hundredth, and one-thousandth.

What are the prefixes that mean 100? ›

Table of number prefixes in English
NumberLatin derivedGreek derived
CardinalMultiple, proportional, or quantitative
100centi-hecatontakis- hundred times hecatontaplo- hundred-multiple hecatontad- hundred of a kind also abbreviated in hec[aton]tad-
120viginticenti-hecaton(e)icosakis- etc.
43 more rows

What are 10 suffixes examples? ›

List 10 words with suffixes
  • Logic – Logical.
  • Wonder – Wonderful.
  • Bright – Brighter.
  • Fund – Funding.
  • Tender – Tenderness.
  • Invent – Invention.
  • Persuade – Persuasion.
  • Move – Movement.

What are the 30 suffixes? ›

Adjective Suffixes
-aryof or relating tobudgetary, planetary, military, honorary
-fulfull of or notable ofgrateful, beautiful, wonderful, fanciful
-icrelating toiconic, organic, heroic, poetic
-ious, -oushaving qualities ofgracious, cautious, humorous, fabulous
6 more rows
Jul 15, 2022

What are the top 10 prefixes? ›

The most common prefixes are a-, be-, de-, dis-, ex-, in-, mis-, non-, over-, pre-, re-, uni- and with-. These prefixes appear most often in academic vocabulary.

What are the 40 prefixes and examples? ›

Common Prefix Examples
PrefixPrefix MeaningWord Examples
circum -around, go aroundcircumnavigate, circumscribe, circumvent
co-jointly, with, togethercoexist, copilot, coworker
com-together, withcommiserate, compartment, community
con-with, togetherconfound, confluence, conversation
21 more rows
Feb 6, 2023

What are the 35 common prefixes in English? ›

Common Prefixes
non-not, withoutnonentity, nonaggressive, nonessential, nonfiction
omni-all, everyomniscient, omnivorous, omniscient, omnidirectional
post-after, behindpostmortem, posterior, postscript, postoperative
pre-, pro-before, forwardprecede, predict, project, prologue
32 more rows

What are the 5 most common prefixes? ›

The most common prefixes used to form new verbs in academic English are: re-, dis-, over-, un-, mis-, out-. The most common suffixes are: -ise, -en, -ate, -(i)fy. By far the most common affix in academic English is -ise.

What are 20 suffixes examples? ›

Common Suffixes in English
-er, -orone whotrainer, protector, narrator
-ismdoctrine, beliefcommunism, narcissism, skepticism
-istone whochemist, narcissist, plagiarist
-ity, -tyquality ofinactivity, veracity, parity, serenity
8 more rows
May 2, 2024

What are the 10 examples of prefix and suffix? ›

disnot, opposite ofdis + satisfied = dissatisfied
miswronglymis + spell = misspell
unnotun + acceptable = unacceptable
reagainre + election = reelection
6 more rows

What are 20 examples of prefixes? ›

English Prefixes List, Meanings and Example Words Prefix Meaning Example Anti- Against Antifreeze, antithesis De- Opposite Decode, decompose Dis- Not, opposite of Disconnect, disembark Em- Cause to Embrace, emphasis En- Cause to Encode, encounter Fore- Before Forecast, foresight In- İn Infield, infiltrate Im- İn ...

What is the correct prefix for 100? ›

hecto h

What are the 40 prefixes? ›

40 Common Prefixes in English
Extra-More than
Fore-Before, front
Hind-After, back
36 more rows
Jul 3, 2024

What is the prefix meaning 1 100? ›

Centi. a metric prefix meaning one hundredth (1/100)


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