Química na Vida Cotidiana - Química (2025)

Química na Vida Cotidiana - Química (2)


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514 CHEMISTRY IN EVERYDAY LIFE67. Which is correct about saccharin?(a) It is OCSO2NH(b) It is 600 times sweeter than sugar(c) It is used as sweetening agent(d) All of these68. Which of the following acts as an antioxidant in edible oils(a) Vitamin B (b) Vitamin C(c) Vitamin D (d) Vitamin E69. Salts of sorbic acid and propionic acid are used as(a) antioxidants (b) flavouring agents(c) food preservatives (d) nutritional supplements70. Which of the following add nutritive value to food?(a) Sweeteners (b) Antioxidants(c) Fat emulsifiers (d) None of these71. Arrange the following artificial sweeteners in increasingorder of their sweetness value?(a) Sucralose–N–CH3 2 15 3CH3CH3+Br– (p) Dishwashingpowder(B) CH (CH )3 2 11– SO Na3– + (q) Laundry soap(C) C17H35COO–Na+ + Na2CO3 + Rosin (r) Hairconditioners(D) CH3(CH2)16COO(CH2CH2O)nCH2CH2OH (s) Toothpaste(a) A – (p), B – (q), C – (r), D – (s)(b) A – (q), B – (r), C – (p), D – (s)(c) A – (r), B – (s), C – (q), D – (p)(d) A – (p), B – (r), C – (q), D – (s)102. Match the columnsColumn -I Column -II(A) Toilet soap (p) Made by beatingtiny air bubbles beforetheir hardening.(B) Transparent soap (q) Contain glycerolto prevent rapid drying.(C) Shaving soaps (r) Prepared byusing better grades offats and oils.(D) Soaps that float in (s) Made by dissolvingwater the soap in ethanoland then evaporatingexcess alkali.(a) A – (s), B – (p), C – (q), D – (r)(b) A – (r), B – (s), C – (q), D – (p)(c) A – (r), B – (q), C – (p), D – (s)(d) A – (q), B – (s), C – (p), D – (r)ASSERTION-REASON TYPE QUESTIONSDirections : Each of these questions contain two statements,Assertion and Reason. Each of these questions also has fouralternative choices, only one of which is the correct answer. Youhave to select one of the codes (a), (b), (c) and (d) given below.(a) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is a correctexplanation for assertion.(b) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is not acorrect explanation for assertion(c) Assertion is correct, reason is incorrect(d) Assertion is incorrect, reason is correct.103. Assertion : The drugs which act on the central nervoussystem and help in reducing anxiety are called antibiotics.Reason : Pencillin is an antibiotic.104. Assertion : Equanil is a tranquilizer.Reason : Equanil is used to cure depression andhypertension.105. Assertion : Tetracycline is a broad spectrum antibiotic.Reason : Tetracyclin is effective against a number of typesof bacteria, large viruses and typhus fever.106. Assertion : Antiseptics are applied to living tissues.Reason : Iodine is a powerful antiseptic.107. Assertion : Sedatives are given to patients who are mentallyagitated and violent.Reason : Sedatives are used to suppress the activities ofcentral nervous system.108. Assertion : Non-competitive inhibitor inhibits the catalyicactivity of enzyme by binding with its active site.Reason : Non-competitive inhibitor changes the shape ofthe active site in such a way that substrate can’t recogniseit.109. Assertion : Sodium chloride is added to precipitate soapafter saponification.Reason : Hydrolysis of esters of long chain fatty acids byalkali produces soap in colloidal form.CRITICAL THINKING TYPE QUESTIONS110. Which of the following are sulpha drugs?(i) Sulphapyridine (ii) Prontosil(iii) Salvarsan (iv) Nardil(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (ii) and (iv)(c) (i), (ii) and (iv) (d) (ii), (iii) and (iv)111. Among the following antihistamines, which are antacids(i) Ranitidine (ii) Brompheniramine(iii) Terfenadine (iv) Cimetidine(a) (i) and (iii) (b) (i), (ii) and (iv)(c) (i) and (iv) (d) (ii) and (iii)112. Which one of the following is an antihistamine?(a) Iproniazid (b) Salvarsan(c) Zantac (d) Chloramphenicol113. Morphine is(a) an alkaloid (b) an enzyme(c) a carbohydrate (d) a protein114. H1 – Receptor antagonists is a term associated with :(a) Antiseptics (b) Antihistamins(c) Antacids (d) Analgesics115. Amoxillin is semi-synthetic modification of(a) penicillin (b) streptomycin(c) tetracycline (d) chloroampheniol116. Which of the following is used as an antibiotic ?(a) Ciprofloxacin (b) Paracetamol(c) Ibuprofen (d) Tocopherol117. Select the incorrect statement.(a) Equanil is used to control depression and hypertension.(b) Mifepristone is a synthetic steroid used as “morningafter pill”.(c) 0.2 percent solution of phenol is an antiseptic while its1.0 percent solution is a disinfectant.(d) A drug which kills the organism in the body is calledbacteriostatic.CHEMISTRY IN EVERYDAY LIFE 517118. A large number of antibiotics have been isolated from(a) Bacteria actinomycetes(b) Acids(c) Alkanals(d) Bacteria rhizobium119. Antiseptic chloroxylenol is(a) 4-chloro-3, 5-dimethylphenol(b) 3-chloro-4, 5-dimethylphenol(c) 4-chloro-2, 5-dimethylphenol(d) 5-chloro-3, 4-dimethylphenol120. Which of the following is not correctly matched?(i) Proteins that are – Receptorscrucial to body’s communicationprocess.(ii) Drugs that mimic – Antagoniststhe natural messenger byswitching on the receptor.(iii) Drugs that binds to – Agonists the receptor site and inhibit its natural function.(a) (ii) only (b) (iii) only(c) (i) and (iii) (d) (ii) and (iii)121. Which of the following drug inhibits the synthesis ofchemicals known as prostaglandins which stimulateinflammation in tissue and cause pain?(a) Barbiturates (b) Aspirin(c) Seldane (d) Iproniazid122. Bactericidal antibiotics are those which(a) have inhibitory effect on microbes.(b) have killing effect on microbes.(c) have both inhibitory and killing effect on microbes.(d) intervene in metabolic process of microorganism.123. Which of the following antibiotics is not correctly classified?Bactericidal Bacteriostatic(A) Penicillin Erythromycin(B) Aminoglycosides Tetracycline(C) Chloramphenicol Ofloxacin(a) A and B (b) C only(c) B and C (d) B only124. Antibiotics that are effective mainly against Gram-positiveor Gram-negative bacteria X. Antibiotics that are effectiveagainst a single organism or disease are YWhat is X and Y ?(a) X = Broad spectrum antibiotics.Y = Narrow spectrum antibiotics.(b) X = Broad spectrum antibiotics.Y = Limited spectrum antibiotics.(c) X = Narrow spectrum antibiotics.Y = Limited spectrum antibiotics.(d) X = Narrow spectrum antibiotics.Y = Broad spectrum antibiotics.125. Which of the following is an example of syntheticprogesterone derivative which is most widely used asantifertility drug?(a) Norethindrone (b) Novestrol(c) Ethynylestradiol (d) All of these126. Substance used for the preservation of coloured fruit juicesis(a) benzene (b) benzoic acid(c) phenol (d) sodium meta bisulphite127. The artificial sweetener containing chlorine that has theappearance and taste as that of sugar and is stable at cookingtemperature is(a) Aspartame (b) Saccharin(c) Sucrolose (d) Alitame128. Benzalkonium chloride is a(a) cationic surfactant and antiseptic(b) anionic surfactant and soluble in most of organicsolvents(c) cationic surfactant and insoluble in most of organicsolvents(d) cationic surfactant and antimalarial129. Which one of the following is not used as a filler in laundrysoaps?(a) Sodium silicate (b) Glycerol(c) Sodium rosinate (d) Borax130. Which of the following is an example of liquid dishwashingdetergent?(a) CH3(CH2)10–CH2OSO3–Na+(b) C H —9 19 —O—CH –CH –O— –CH CH OH22 2 2( )5(c) CH —3 —SO Na3– +(d) CH (CH ) –N–CH3 2 15 3CH3CH3+Br–131. Which of the following statements is incorrect?(a) Saccharin is about 550 times as sweet as cane sugar.(b) Aspartame is used in the manufacture of baked sweets.(c) Alitame is more sweet than saccharin and aspartame.(d) Sodium benzoate is commonly used preservative.518 CHEMISTRY IN EVERYDAY LIFEFACT/DEFINITION TYPE QUESTIONS1. (d) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (b)5. (a) Given drug is used as Antacid.6. (d) The function of enzymes in the living system is tocatalyse biochemical reactions which occure in livingsystems. e.g. invertase, pepsin, amylase.Sucrose Invertase glucose + fructose(polymer) (monomer)Starch amylase glucose(polymer) (monomer)7. (d) Equanil is an important medicine used in depressionand hypertension.8. (b)9. (b) Terfenadine is commonly used as antihistamine.10. (c) Salvarsan is an organoarsenic compound, used in thetreatment of syphilis. It was the first modernchemotherapeutic agent.11. (c) 12. (b)13. (c) Tranquilizers reduce anxiety and tension they are alsocalled psychototropic drugs. These are two type(i)Sedative the drugs used for violent and mentalyagitated patient e.g.., Equanil and diazepam.(ii) Antidepressant- The drug are used to patients whoare highly depressed and lose self confidence e.g.tofranil vitalin, amphetamine etc.14. (a) 15. (b) 16. (d)17. (a) These drugs induce sleep and are habit formingcommon example of hypnotic drugs are Luminal andSaconal.18. (d)19. (b) Aspirin is antipyretic i.e., a drug which is responsiblefor lowering the temperature of feverish organism tonormal, other antipyretic drugs are Paracetamol,Phenacetin.20. (b) Paracetamol is an antipyretic21. (b) It is acetyl salicylic acid i.e., aspirin, analgesic andantipyretic.22. (d)23. (a) Due to anti-blood clotting action of aspirin, it is usedto prevent heart attack.24. (d) Sulpha drugs (antibacterial and antibiotic) are groupof drugs which are derivative of sulphanilamide.25. (a) Analgesic are pain killers.26. (b) Analgesic means painkiller.27. (c) We know that N-acetyl-para-aminophenol (orparacetamol) is an antipyretic which can also be usedas an analgesic to relieve pain.28. (a)O–COCH3COOHAspirin (Acetyl salicylic acid)29. (d) Valium is a tranquilizer and not an analgesic. It is usedfor treatment of stress, fatigue, mild and severe mentaldiseases.30. (d) Aspirin is an non-narcotics analgesic.31. (a) Salol is phenyl salicylate used as antiseptic.32. (a) Antiseptic drugs cause destruction of micro-organismthat produce septic disease e.g. Dettol, Savlon, Boricacid, Phenol, Iodoform, KMnO4 and some dye suchas methylene blue, genation violet.33. (d) Sulpha drugs (antibacterial and antibiotic) are groupof drugs which are derivative of sulphanilamide.34. (a) It is the very effective antibiotic for tuberculosis.35. (c) Broad spectrum antibiotics act on different antigens.36. (c) It is an insecticide.37. (a) A. Fleming discovered penicillin in 1929.38. (b)39. (c) Penicillin is an effective medicine for pneumoniadisease.40. (d) The mixture of chloroxylenol and terpenol is dettolwhich is used as antiseptic.41. (d) Chloroamphenicol is a broad spectrum antibiotic.42. (a) Substances used for the treatment of malaria areantimalarial e.g. Quinine, chloroquine.43. (d) Chloramphenicol isNO2 CH CH NH| || |OH CH OHO2C – CHCl244. (b) It is the known structure of Penicillin G45. (c) Arsenic drugs are poisonous for syphilis.46. (b) Bithional is a well known antiseptic, added in soaps toreduce odours produced by bacterial decompositionof organic matter of skin.ClClSClClOH HOBithional47. (a) Penicillin is an antibiotic.48. (c) Chloramphenicol is a broad spectrum drug.[Broad spectrum antibiotics are medicines effectiveagainst gram positive as well as gram negative bacteria,e.g., tetracycline, chloramphenicol, etc.]CHEMISTRY IN EVERYDAY LIFE 51949. (d) Bithional is another well known antiseptic which isadded to good quality soaps to reduce the odoursproduced by bacterial decomposition of organic matteron the skin.50. (b) Dilute solutions of boric acid and hydrogen peroxideare weak antiseptics.51. (d)52. (d) Novestrol is an antifertility drug.53. (c) 54. (b)55. (b) Morphine narcotics are chiefly used for the relief ofpost operative pain.56. (d) Classification of drugs on the basis of pharmacologicaleffect is useful for doctors because it provides themthe whole range of drugs available for the treatment ofa particular type of problem.57. (a) 58. (d)59. (a) Drug tegamet was designed to prevent the interactionof histamine with the receptors present in the stomachwall. This resulted in release of lesser amount of acid.60. (b)61. (c) Antidepressant drugs inhibit the enzymes whichcatalyse the degradation of noradrenaline.62. (d)63. (b) Arsphenamine also known as salvarsan was the firsteffective treatment discovered for syphilis.64. (b) Penicillin G has a narrow spectrum, while all otheroptions have broad spectrum.65. (d) Chloramphenicol is rapidly absorbed from thegastrointestinal tract and hence can be given orally incase of typhoid, acute fever, meningitis, pneumoniaetc.66. (a)67. (d) All are characteristics of Saccharin.68. (d) Vitamin E is an antioxidant present in edible oils.69. (c) Salts of sorbic acid and propionic acid are used asfood preservatives because these chemicals inhibit thegrowth of yeast bacteria or moulds.70. (d) Neither any of the substances among given optionspossess nutritive value.71. (b) Artificial sweetener Sweetness valueAspartame 100Saccharin 550Sucralose 600Alitame 200072. (c) Sucralose does not provide calories.73. (a) Sodium benzoate is used as a food preservative.74. (b) Structurally biodegradable detergents should containbranched alkyl chain.75. (b)76. (d) It is used as detergent.77. (c) The most widely used domestic detergent is thesodium dodecyl benzene sulphonate (SDS).CH (CH )113 2– SO Na3 (Sodium dodecyl benzene sulphonate)78. (a) Soaps are the sodium or potassium salt of higher fattyacids e.g., C17H37COOK (Potassium stearate). Theseare obtained by alkaline hydrolysis of oils and fats.The reaction is called saponification.79. (b) Alkaline hydrolysis of esters is known assaponification.R COOR ' NaOH R 'OH RCOONa80. (d) Commercial detergent are the sodium salts of long chain(linear) alkyl substituted benzene sulphonic acids(LAB) and are most widely used. The most common issodium dodecylbenzene sulphonate.CH (CH ) CH3 2 10 2 SO O Na2– +81. (c) Any oils which are good for eating or cooking, can beused in making soap. One of the best is said to becoconut oil. Groundnut, Shea butter, Cocoa butter, Sunflower and many other vegetable oils are also used.82. (b) Sodium or potassium salts of palmitic acid(CH3(CH2)14COO–Na+) and stearic acid(CH3(CH2)16COO–Na+) are used as soaps.83. (b) Soaps are actually salts of higher fatty acids.Example ; 17 35(sodium stearate)C H COONa84. (b)33 2 15 33cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromideCH|CH (CH ) N CH Br|CH85. (d) Cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide possess germicidalproperties. Thus it is used as a cationic detergent inhair conditioners.86. (b) 87. (c) 88. (a)89. (c) Non– ionic detergent is formed when stearic acid reactswith polyethylene glycol.90. (c)STATEMENT TYPE QUESTIONS91. (b) 92. (c)93. (b) For statement (ii), drug which brings major change inthe treatment of hyperacidity was histamine. Forstatement (iv), antidepressant drugs like iproniazid andphenelzine inhibit the enzymes which catalyse thedegradation of noradrenaline when the enzyme isinhibited, this important neurotransmitter is slowlymetabolised and can activate its receptor for longerperiods of time, thus counteracting the effect ofdepression.94. (c) For statement (ii), 2–3% solution of iodine in alcoholwater mixture is known as tincture of iodine. Forstatement (iii), SO2 in very low concentrations are usedas disinfectants.520 CHEMISTRY IN EVERYDAY LIFE95. (b)96. (a) Shaving soaps contain glycerol to prevent rapid drying.97. (d) For statement (iii), cationic detergents are expensiveand thus have limited use. For statement (iv),detergents having unbranched chains can bebiodegraded more easily thus are less polluting ascompared to detergents having branched chains.MATCHING TYPE QUESTIONS98. (c) 99. (a) 100. (a) 101. (c) 102. (b)ASSERTION-REASON TYPE QUESTIONS103. (d) The drugs which act on the central nervous systemand help in reducing anxiety are called tranquilizers.104. (a) Tranquilizers are chemicals which are used to curemental diseases.105. (a) Broad spectrum antibiotics are those medicines whichare effective against several different types of harmfulmicro organisms.106. (b) Antiseptics are those chemical which kill or preventthe growth of micro organism. Antiseptics do not harmthe living tissues and can be applied on cuts andwounds. They help to reduce odour resulting from thebacterial decompositionin the mouth and on the body.107. (a) A small quantity of sedative produces a feeling ofrelaxation, calmness and drowsiness.108. (d) 109. (b)CRITICAL THINKING TYPE QUESTIONS110. (a) 111. (c)112. (c) Iproniazid TranquilizerSalvarsan AntimicrobialZantac (ranitidine) AntihistamineChloramphenicol Antibiotic113. (a) It is an alkaloid, a class of organic compound which isbasic in nature and of plant origin containing atleastone nitrogen atom in a ring structure of molecule.114. (b) The term “antihistamine” refers only to H1 antagonists,which is also known as H1-receptor antagonists andH1-antihistamine.115. (a) Amoxillin is semisynthetic modification of Penicillin116. (a) Ciprofloxacin is used as antibiotic while paracetamol,ibuprofen and tocopherol are respectively antipyretic,pain killer and Vit. E.117. (d) Bacteriostatic drugs inhibit the growth of organismwhile bactericidal drugs kill the microorganisms.118. (a)119. (a) OHClCH3H C3Chloroxylenol(4-chloro-3, 5-dimethylphenol)120. (d) Drugs that mimic the natural messenger by switchingon the receptor are called agonists. While drugs thatbinds to the receptor site and inhibit its natural functionare called antagonists.121. (b)122. (b) Bactericidal have killing effect on microbes whilebacteriostatic have inhibitory effect on microbes.123. (b) Chloramphenicol is bacteriostatic antibiotic whileofloxacin is bactericidal type antibiotic.124. (c) Narrow spectrum antibiotics are effective againstGram–positive or Gram-negative bacteria. Limitedspectrum antibiotics are effective against a singleorganism or disease.125. (a) Norethindrone is an example of synthetic progestronederivative most widely used as antifertility drug.126. (b) Benzoic acid used as preservative as sodium benzoate.127. (c)HO O OOHOHOHOOHSucroloseCl ClCl128. (a) Benzalkonium chloride, also known asalkyldimethylbenzylammonium chloride is nitrogenouscationic surface active agent belonging to thequaternary ammonium group. It is used as antiseptic.n = 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18+ NCl –C Hn 2n+1129. (b) Laundry soaps contain fillers like sodium rosinate,sodium silicate, borax and sodium carbonate.130. (b)131. (b) Aspartame cannot be used in baked food as it isunstable at cooking temperature thus its use is limitedto cold foods and soft drinks.Time : 1 hr Max. Marks -1801. An acidic solution of 'X' does not give precipitate onpassing H2S through it. 'X' gives white precipitate whenNH4OH is added to it. The white precipitate dissolves inexcess of NaOH solution. Pure 'X' fumes in air and densewhite fumes are obtained when a glass rod dipped in NH4OHis put in the fumes. Compound 'X' can be(a) ZnCl2 (b) FeCl3(c) AlCl3 (d) SnCl22. CN– is a strong field ligand. This is due to the fact that(a) it carries negative charge(b) it is a pseudohalide(c) it can accept electrons from metal species(d) it forms high spin complexes with metal species3. The weight of NaCl decomposed by 4.9g of H2SO4, if 6 g ofsodium hydrogen sulphate and 1.825 g of HCl, wereproduced in the reaction is:(a) 6.921 g (b) 4.65 g(c) 2.925 g (d) 1.4 g4. Which one of the following statement is nottrue ?(a) pH of dr inking water should be between5.5 – 9.5.(b) Concentration of DO below 6 ppm is good for thegrowth of fish.(c) Clean water would have a BOD value of less than 5 ppm.(d) Oxides of sulphur, nitrogen and carbon are the mostwidespread air pollutant.5. Which of the following statements is not correct for nitrogen ?(a) Its electronegativity is very high(b) d-orbitals are available for bonding(c) It is a typical non-metal(d) Its molecular size is small6. Which of the following statement is false ?(a) For 1 mole of an ideal gas, Cp – Cv = R(b) 0TETfor an ideal gas(c) q w p v(d) For reversible isothermal expansion of 1 mole of anideal gas from volume V1 to V2, work done is equal toRT ln (V2/V1)7. 0.4 moles of HCl and 0.2 moles of 2CaCl were dissolved inwater to have 500 mL of solution, the molarity of Cl– ion is:(a) 0.8 M (b) 1.6 M(c) 1.2 M (d) 10.0 MMock Test-18. In sodium fusion test of organic compounds, the nitrogenof the organic compound is converted into(a) Sodamide (b) Sodium cyanide(c) Sodium nitrite (d) Sodium nitrate9. Specific volume of cylindrical virus particle is 6.02 × 10–2cc/gm. whose radius and length 7 Å & 10 Å respectively. IfNA = 6.02 × 1023, find molecular weight of virus(a) 3.08 × 103 kg/mol (b) 3.08 × 104 kg/mol(c) 1.54 × 104 kg/mol (d) 15.4 kg/mol10. Inductive effect involves(a) displacement of -electrons(b) delocalisation of -electrons(c) delocalisation of -electrons(d) displacement of -electrons11. The energy of a photon is 3 × 10–12 erg. What is itswavelength in nm ?(h = 6.62 × 10–27 erg-sec; c = 3 × 1010 cm/s)(a) 662 (b) 1324(c) 66.2 (d) 6.6212. Among the following compounds (I - III), the ease of theirreaction with electrophiles is,OCH3 NO2I II III(a) II > III > I (b) III > II > I(c) II > I > III (d) I > II > III13. Aluminium vessels should not be washed with materialscontaining washing soda since(a) washing soda is expensive(b) washing soda is easily decomposed(c) washing soda reacts with Al to form soluble aluminate(d) washing soda reacts with Al to form insolublealuminium oxide14. The following data are for the decomposition of ammoniumnitrite in aqueous solution :Vol. of N2 in cc Time (min)6.25 109.00 1511.40 2013.65 2535.65 InfinityThe order of rection is :(a) Zero (b) One(c) Two (d) ThreeMT-2 CHEMISTRY15. Which of the following reagents convert propene to 1-propanol?(a) H2O, H2SO4 (b) aqueous KOH(c) MgSO4, NaBH4/H2O (d) B2H6, H2O2, OH–16. A closed container contains equal number of oxygen andhydrogen molecules at a total pressure of 740 mm. If oxygenis removed form the system then pressure will(a) Become double of 740 mm(b) Become half of 740 mm(c) Become 1/9 of 740 mm(d) Remains unchanged17. Compound X of molecular formula C4H6 takes up oneequivalent of hydrogen in presence of Pt to form anothercompound Y which on ozonolysis gives only ethanoic acid.The compound X can be(a) 22 CHCHCHCH(b) CH2 = C = CHCH3(c) 33 CCHCCH(d) All the three18. 1 M solution of CH3COOH should be diluted to ...............times so that pH is doubled.(a) four times (b) 5.55 × 104 times(c) 5.55 × 106 times (d) 10–2 times19. Which of the following statements, about the advantageof roasting of sulphide ore before reduction is not true?(a) The ofG of the sulphide is greater than those forCS2 and H2S.(b) The ofG is negative for roasting of sulphide ore tooxide.(c) Roasting of the sulphide to the oxide isthermodynamically feasible.(d) Carbon and hydrogen are suitable reducing agentsfor metal sulphides.20. Which one of the following is NOT a buffer solution?(a) 0.8 M H2 S + 0.8 M KHS(b) 2MC6H5NH2 + 2MC6H5–3BrHN(c) 3MH2CO3 + 3MKHCO3(d) 0.05 M KClO4 + 0.05 M HClO421. Which of the following statements is false ?(a) Radon is obtained from the decay of radium(b) Helium is inert gas(c) Xenon is the most reactive among the rare gases(d) The most abundant rare gas found in the atmosphereis helium22. Which one of the following is expected to exhibit opticalisomerism?(en = ethylenediamine)(a) cis-[Pt(NH3)2 Cl2] (b) trans-[Pt(NH3)2Cl2](c) cis-[Co(en)2Cl2] (d) trans-[Co(en)2Cl2]23. The following equilibrium constants are given:2 2 3 1N 3H 2NH ; K2 2 2N O 2NO;K2 2 2 21H O H O;2KThe equilibrium constant for the oxidation of NH3 byoxygen to give NO is(a)22 31K KK(b)22 31K KK(b) 1 23K KK (d)32 31K KK24. Four successive members of the first row transitionelements are listed below with their atomic numbers.Which one of them is expected to have the highestthird ionization enthalpy?(a) Vanadium (Z = 23) (b) Chromium (Z = 24)(c) Manganese (Z = 25) (d) Iron (Z = 26)25. Which of the following organometalliccompound is and bonded?(a) [Fe ( 5 – C5H5)2] (b) Fe (CH3)3(c) K [PtCl3(2 – C2H4)] (d) [Co(CO)5 NH3]2+26. In the balanced chemical reaction3 2 2IO aI bH cH O dIa, b, c and d respectively corresponds to(a) 5, 6, 3, 3 (b) 5, 3, 6, 3(c) 3, 5, 3, 6 (d) 5, 6, 5, 527. Which of the following statements is true?(a) Silicon exhibits 4 coordination number in itscompound(b) Bond energy of F2 is less than Cl2(c) Mn(III) oxidation state is more stable than Mn(II) inaqueous state(d) Elements of 15th group shows only +3 and +5oxidation states28. Which of the following compounds has the highest boilingpoint?(a) 3 2 2CH CH CH Cl(b) ClCHCHCHCH 2223(c) ClCH)CH(CHCH 233(d) CCl)CH( 3329. Which one of the following statements is not correct ?(a) Nickel forms Ni(CO)4(b) All the transition metals form monometallic carbonyls(c) Carbonyls are formed by transition metals(d) Transition metals form complexes30. Hydrogen has an ionisation energy of 1311 kJ mol–1 andfor chlorine it is 1256 kJ mol–1. Hydrogen forms H+ (aq)ions but chlorine does not form Cl+ (aq) ions because(a) H+ has lower hydration enthalpy(b) Cl+ has lower hydration enthalpy(c) Cl has high electron affinity(d) Cl has high electronegativity
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  • Sobre misturas:a) Qual a diferença entre misturas homogêneas e heterogêneas?b) Cite dois métodos de separação de misturas e exemplos de onde são...
  • Sobre estados físicos da matéria:a) Quais são as três mudanças de estado físico mais comuns? Dê exemplos.b) O que é o ponto de ebulição de uma s...
  • Sobre a água:a) Explique por que a água é considerada um solvente universal.b) Qual é o formato da molécula de água e como sua polaridade afeta ...
  • Sobre ácidos e bases:a) Como o pH é utilizado para classificar uma substância como ácida, neutra ou básica?b) Qual é o nome do indicador químico...
  • Prova Pref. LucéliaSP - INSTITUTO EXCELÊNCIA - 2018 - para Fonoaudiólogo.pdf
  • Prova Prefeitura Municipal de Solânea - Comissão Permanente de Concursos - 2019 - para Técnico de Saúde Bucal.pdf

Perguntas dessa disciplina


Qual é a importância da Química em nossa vida cotidiana? A Química está diretamente ligada à nossa vida cotidiana.A produção do pão, a digestão d...


Compostos desempenham papel fundamental em química e muitos aspectos da vida cotidiana eles são encontrados em uma variedades substância desde prod...


os componentes desempenham um papel fundamental em quimica e em muitos aspecto da vida cotidiana. Eles são encontrados em uma variedade de substânc...


Os compostos desempenham um papel fundamental em química e em minutos aspectos da vida cotidiana. Eles sao encontrados em uma variedade de substânc...


A química participa intensamente na nossa vida cotidiana sendo que o conhecimento químico não é apenas um conjunto de conhecimentos isolados mas si...
  • química orgânica und 3 livro texto
  • Avaliação de Química Geral
  • Instruções para Prova de Química
  • Questões sobre Química
  • Organização e Propriedades dos Elementos
  • Deep Work A concentração máxima num mundo de distrações -- Cal Newport -- Portugal, Portugal -- Actual Editora -- 9789896942403 -- 9bf4563b85bf2b055fef3cb69f4cd7d9 -- Annas Archive
  • Análise de Cátions do Grupo II
  • Questão 10: Um aluno está estudando os tipos de ligações químicas que podem ocorrer entre os átomos. A partir do seu resumo, ele escreveu três prop...
  • Qual é a principal função de um catalisador em uma reação química?
  • O que caracteriza uma reação de primeira ordem?
  • 10. Determine o título, em porcentagem de massa, de um frasco contendo soro fisiológico sabendo que foi preparado pela mistura de 4,5 g de cloreto ...
  • A massa molecular é obtida quando somamos as massas atômicas de todos os elementos que constituem uma molécula. Essa massa é utilizada quando desej...
  • o átomo na visão de thomson é constituído de o dióxido de carbono co2é um gás essencial no globo terrestre. Qual sua ligação covalente
  • Sobre química orgânica:a) Qual é a diferença entre hidrocarbonetos saturados e insaturados?b) O que são funções orgânicas e qual é a característ...
  • Sobre combustão:a) O que é necessário para ocorrer uma reação de combustão?b) Qual é o principal gás liberado na queima de combustíveis fósseis ...
  • Sobre estequiometria:a) O que é o coeficiente estequiométrico em uma equação química balanceada?b) Qual é a importância de balancear as equações...
  • Sobre misturas:a) Qual a diferença entre misturas homogêneas e heterogêneas?b) Cite dois métodos de separação de misturas e exemplos de onde são...
  • Sobre estados físicos da matéria:a) Quais são as três mudanças de estado físico mais comuns? Dê exemplos.b) O que é o ponto de ebulição de uma s...
  • Sobre a água:a) Explique por que a água é considerada um solvente universal.b) Qual é o formato da molécula de água e como sua polaridade afeta ...
  • Sobre ácidos e bases:a) Como o pH é utilizado para classificar uma substância como ácida, neutra ou básica?b) Qual é o nome do indicador químico...
  • Prova Pref. LucéliaSP - INSTITUTO EXCELÊNCIA - 2018 - para Fonoaudiólogo.pdf
  • Prova Prefeitura Municipal de Solânea - Comissão Permanente de Concursos - 2019 - para Técnico de Saúde Bucal.pdf
Química na Vida Cotidiana - Química (2025)


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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Author information

Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.