Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (2024)

by Marco Taboga, PhD

The Student's t distribution is a continuous probability distribution that is often encountered in statistics (e.g., in hypothesis tests about the mean).

It arises when a normal random variable is divided by a Chi-square or a Gamma random variable.

Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (1)

Table of contents

  1. How it arises

    1. The standard case

    2. The non-standard case

  2. The standard Student's t distribution

    1. Definition

    2. Relation to the normal and to the Gamma distribution

    3. Expected value

    4. Variance

    5. Higher moments

    6. Moment generating function

    7. Characteristic function

    8. Distribution function

  3. Student's t distribution in general

    1. Definition

    2. Relation between standard and general

    3. Expected value

    4. Variance

    5. Moment generating function

    6. Characteristic function

    7. Distribution function

  4. More details

    1. Convergence to the normal distribution

    2. Non-central t distribution

  5. Density plots

    1. Plot 1- Changing the mean

    2. Plot 2 - Changing the scale

    3. Plot 3 - Changing the degrees of freedom

  6. Solved exercises

    1. Exercise 1

    2. Exercise 2

    3. Exercise 3

  7. References

How it arises

Before going into details, we provide an overview.

The standard case

A variable Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (2) has a standard Student's t distribution with Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (3) degrees of freedom if it can be written as a ratio

Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (4)where:

  • Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (5) has a standard normal distribution;

  • Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (6) is a Chi-square random variable with Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (7) degrees of freedom;

  • Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (8) and Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (9) are independent of each other.

A Chi-square variable with Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (10) degrees of freedom divided by Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (11) has a Gamma distribution (with parameters Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (12) and Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (13)).

As a consequence, we can also see a standard Student's t distribution with Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (14) degrees of freedom as a ratio

Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (15)between a standard normal variable and the square root of a Gamma variable Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (16).

The non-standard case

A variable Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (17) has a non-standard Student's t distribution if it can be written as a linear transformation of a standard one:Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (18)where Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (19) and Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (20) are defined as before.

The distribution is characterized by three parameters:

  • mean Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (21);

  • scale Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (22);

  • degrees of freedom Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (23).

The standard Student's t distribution

We start from the special case of the standard Student's t distribution.

By first explaining this special case, the exposition of the more general case is greatly facilitated.


The standard Student's t distribution is characterized as follows.

Definition Let Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (24) be a continuous random variable. Let its support be the whole set of real numbers:Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (25)Let Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (26). We say that Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (27) has a standard Student's t distribution with Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (28) degrees of freedom if and only if its probability density function isStudent's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (29)where Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (30) is a constant:Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (31)and Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (32) is the Beta function.

Usually the number of degrees of freedom is integer (Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (33)), but it can also be real (Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (34)).

Relation to the normal and to the Gamma distribution

A standard Student's t random variable can be written as a normal random variable whose variance is equal to the reciprocal of a Gamma random variable, as shown by the following proposition.

Proposition The probability density function of Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (35) can be written asStudent's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (36)where:

  1. Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (37) is the probability density function of a normal distribution with mean Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (38) and variance Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (39):Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (40)

  2. Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (41) is the probability density function of a Gamma random variable with parameters Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (42) and Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (43):Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (44)whereStudent's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (45)


We need to prove thatStudent's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (46)whereStudent's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (47)andStudent's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (48)Let us start from the integrand function: Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (49)where Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (50)and Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (51) is the probability density function of a random variable having a Gamma distribution with parameters Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (52) and Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (53). Therefore:Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (54)

If Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (55) is a zero-mean normal random variable with variance Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (56), conditional on Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (57), then we can think of Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (58) as a ratioStudent's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (59)where Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (60) has a standard normal distribution, Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (61) has a Gamma distribution and Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (62) and Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (63) are independent.

Expected value

The expected value of a standard Student's t random variable Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (64) is well-defined only for Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (65) and it is equal toStudent's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (66)


It follows from the fact that the density function is symmetric around Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (67):Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (68)The above integrals are finite (and so the expected value is well-defined) only if Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (69) becauseStudent's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (70)and the above limit is finite only if Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (71).


The variance of a standard Student's t random variable Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (72) is well-defined only for Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (73) and it is equal toStudent's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (74)


It can be derived thanks to the usual variance formula (Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (75)) and to the integral representation of the Beta function:Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (76)From the above derivation, it should be clear that the variance is well-defined only when Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (77). Otherwise, if Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (78), the above improper integrals do not converge (and the Beta function is not well-defined).

Higher moments

The Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (79)-th moment of a standard Student's t random variable Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (80) is well-defined only for Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (81) and it is equal toStudent's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (82)


By using the definition of moment, we getStudent's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (83)Therefore, to compute the Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (84)-th moment and to verify whether it exists and is finite, we need to study the following integral:Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (85)From the above derivation, it should be clear that the Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (86)-th moment is well-defined only when Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (87). Otherwise, if Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (88), the above improper integrals do not converge (the integrals involve the Beta function, which is well-defined and converges only when its arguments are strictly positive - in this case only if Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (89)). Therefore, the Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (90)-th moment of Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (91) isStudent's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (92)

Moment generating function

A standard Student's t random variable Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (93) does not possess a moment generating function.


When a random variable Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (94) possesses a moment generating function, then the Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (95)-th moment of Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (96) exists and is finite for any Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (97). But we have proved above that the Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (98)-th moment of Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (99) exists only for Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (100). Therefore, Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (101) can not have a moment generating function.

Characteristic function

There is no simple expression for the characteristic function of the standard Student's t distribution. It can be expressed in terms of a Modified Bessel function of the second kind (a solution of a certain differential equation, called modified Bessel's differential equation).

The interested reader can consult Sutradhar (1986).

Distribution function

There is no simple formula for the distribution function Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (102) of a standard Student's t random variable Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (103) because the integralStudent's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (104)cannot be expressed in terms of elementary functions.

Therefore, it is usually necessary to resort to computer algorithms to compute the values of Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (105).

For example, the MATLAB command:Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (106)returns the value of the distribution function at the point x when the degrees of freedom parameter is equal to n.

Student's t distribution in general

While in the previous section we restricted our attention to the Student's t distribution with zero mean and unit scale, we now deal with the general case.


The Student's t distribution is characterized as follows.

Definition Let Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (107) be a continuous random variable. Let its support be the whole set of real numbers:Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (108)Let Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (109), Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (110) and Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (111). We say that Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (112) has a Student's t distribution with mean Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (113), scale Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (114) and Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (115) degrees of freedom if and only if its probability density function isStudent's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (116)where Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (117) is a constant:Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (118)and Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (119) is the Beta function.

We indicate that Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (120) has a t distribution with mean Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (121), scale parameter Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (122) and Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (123) degrees of freedom byStudent's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (124)

To better understand the Student's t distribution, you can have a look at its density plots.

Relation between standard and general

A random variable Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (125) has a t distribution with parameters Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (126), Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (127) and Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (128) if it is a linear transformation of a standard Student's t random variable.

Proposition If Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (129), thenStudent's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (130)where Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (131) is a random variable having a standard t distribution.


Since Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (132) is strictly positive, Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (133) is a strictly increasing function of Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (134). Therefore, we can use the formula for the density of a function of a continuous variable:Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (135)

Expected value

The expected value of a Student's t random variable Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (136) is well-defined only for Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (137) and it is equal toStudent's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (138)


It is an immediate consequence of the fact that Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (139) (where Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (140) has a standard t distribution) and the linearity of the expected value:Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (141)As we have seen above, Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (142) is well-defined only for Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (143) and, as a consequence, also Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (144) is well-defined only for Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (145).


The variance of a Student's t random variable Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (146) is well-defined only for Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (147) and it is equal toStudent's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (148)


It can be derived using the formula for the variance of affine transformations on Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (149) (where Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (150) has a standard t distribution):Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (151)As we have seen above, Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (152) is well-defined only for Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (153) and, as a consequence, also Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (154) is well-defined only for Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (155).

Moment generating function

A Student's t random variable Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (156) does not possess a moment generating function.


It is a consequence of the fact that Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (157) (where Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (158) has a standard t distribution) and of the fact that a standard Student's t random variable does not possess a moment generating function (see above).

Characteristic function

There is no simple expression for the characteristic function of the Student's t distribution (see the comments above, for the standard case).

Distribution function

As in the case of the standard t distribution (see above), there is no simple formula for the distribution function Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (159) of a Student's t random variable Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (160).

As a consequence, it is usually necessary to resort to computer algorithms to compute the values of Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (161).

Most computer programs provide only routines for the computation of the standard t distribution function (denote it by Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (162)).

In these cases we need to make a conversion, as follows:Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (163)For example, the MATLAB command:Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (164)returns the value at the point x of the distribution function of a Student's t random variable with mean mu, scale sigma and n degrees of freedom.

More details

The following sections contain more details about the t distribution.

Convergence to the normal distribution

A Student's t distribution with mean Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (165), scale parameter Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (166) and Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (167) degrees of freedom converges in distribution to a normal distribution with mean Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (168) and variance Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (169) when the number of degrees of freedom Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (170) becomes large (converges to infinity).


As explained before, if Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (171) has a t distribution, it can be written asStudent's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (172)where Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (173) is a standard normal random variable, and Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (174) is a Chi-square random variable with Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (175) degrees of freedom, independent of Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (176). Moreover, as explained in the lecture on the Chi-square distribution, Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (177) can be written as a sum of squares of Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (178) independent standard normal random variables Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (179):Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (180)When Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (181) tends to infinity, the ratioStudent's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (182)converges in probability to Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (183), by the Law of Large Numbers. As a consequence, by slu*tsky's theorem, Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (184) converges in distribution to Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (185)which is a normal random variable with mean Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (186) and variance Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (187).

Non-central t distribution

As discussed above, if Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (188) has a standard normal distribution, Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (189) has a Gamma distribution with parameters Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (190) and Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (191) and Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (192) and Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (193) are independent, then the random variable Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (194) defined asStudent's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (195)has a standard Student's t distribution with Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (196) degrees of freedom.

Given the same assumptions on Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (197) and Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (198), define a random variable Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (199) as follows:Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (200)where Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (201) is a constant.

The variable Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (202) is said to have a non-central standard Student's t distribution with Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (203) degrees of freedom and non-centrality parameter Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (204).

We do not discuss the details of this distribution here, but be aware that this distribution is sometimes used in statistical theory (also in elementary problems) and that routines to compute its moments and its distribution function can be found in most statistical software packages.

Density plots

This section shows the plots of the densities of some random variables having a t distribution.

The plots help us to understand how the shape of the t distribution changes by changing its parameters.

Plot 1- Changing the mean

The following plot shows two Student's t probability density functions:

  • the blue line is the pdf of a Student's t random variable with parameters Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (205), Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (206) and Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (207);

  • the orange line is obtained by changing the parameters to Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (208), Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (209) and Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (210).

By changing only the mean, the shape of the density does not change, but the density is translated to the right (its location changes).

Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (211)

Plot 2 - Changing the scale

In the following plot:

  • the blue line is the pdf of a Student's t random variable with parameters Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (212), Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (213) and Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (214);

  • the orange line is obtained by changing the parameters to Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (215), Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (216) and Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (217).

By changing only the scale parameter, from Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (218) to Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (219), the location of the graph does not change (it remains centered at Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (220)), but the shape of the graph changes (there is less density in the center and more density in the tails).

Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (221)

Plot 3 - Changing the degrees of freedom

In the following plot:

  • the blue line is the pdf of a Student's t random variable with parameters Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (222), Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (223) and Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (224);

  • the orange line is obtained by changing the parameters to Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (225), Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (226) and Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (227).

By changing only the number of degrees of freedom, from Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (228) to Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (229), the location of the graph does not change (it remains centered at Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (230)) and its shape changes only marginally (the tails become thinner).

Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (231)

Solved exercises

Below you can find some exercises with explained solutions.

Exercise 1

Let Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (232) be a normal random variable with mean Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (233) and variance Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (234).

Let Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (235) be a Gamma random variable with parameters Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (236) and Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (237), independent of Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (238).

Find the distribution of the ratioStudent's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (239)


We can writeStudent's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (240)where Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (241) has a standard normal distribution and Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (242) has a Gamma distribution with parameters Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (243) and Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (244). Therefore, the ratioStudent's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (245)has a standard Student's t distribution with Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (246) degrees of freedom and Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (247) has a Student's t distribution with mean Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (248), scale Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (249) and Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (250) degrees of freedom.

Exercise 2

Let Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (251) be a normal random variable with mean Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (252) and variance Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (253).

Let Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (254) be a Gamma random variable with parameters Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (255) and Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (256), independent of Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (257).

Find the distribution of the random variableStudent's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (258)


We can writeStudent's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (259)where Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (260) has a standard normal distribution and Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (261) has a Gamma distribution with parameters Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (262) and Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (263). Therefore, the ratioStudent's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (264)has a standard Stutent's t distribution with Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (265) degrees of freedom.

Exercise 3

Let Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (266) be a Student's t random variable with mean Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (267), scale Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (268) and Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (269) degrees of freedom.

ComputeStudent's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (270)


First of all, we need to write the probability in terms of the distribution function of Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (271):Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (272)Then, we express the distribution function of Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (273) in terms of the distribution function of a standard Student's t random variable Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (274) with Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (275) degrees of freedom:Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (276)so that:Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (277)where the difference Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (278) can be computed with a computer algorithm, for example using the MATLAB command



Sutradhar, B. C. (1986) On the characteristic function of multivariate Student t-distribution, Canadian Journal of Statistics, 14, 329-337.

How to cite

Please cite as:

Taboga, Marco (2021). "Student's t distribution", Lectures on probability theory and mathematical statistics. Kindle Direct Publishing. Online appendix.

Student's t distribution | Properties, proofs, exercises (2024)


What are the properties of the Student's t-distribution? ›

Properties : The Student t distribution is different for different sample sizes. The Student t distribution is generally bell-shaped, but with smaller sample sizes shows increased variability (flatter). In other words, the distribution is less peaked than a normal distribution and with thicker tails.

Is Student's t-distribution continuous? ›

The t-distribution is a continuous probability distribution of the z-score when the estimated standard deviation is used in the denominator rather than the true standard deviation.

What are the features of the t-distribution? ›

Like the normal distribution, the t-distribution has a smooth shape. Like the normal distribution, the t-distribution is symmetric. If you think about folding it in half at the mean, each side will be the same. Like a standard normal distribution (or z-distribution), the t-distribution has a mean of zero.

What is the formula for the variance of the t-distribution? ›

Mean and Variance

The mean of the Student t -distribution is always 0 . The variance of the Student t -distribution with v degrees of freedom is Var[X]=vv−2 V a r [ X ] = v v − 2 with v>2 .

What is an example of a student's t-distribution? ›

The notation for the Student's t-distribution (using T as the random variable) is: T ~ t df where df = n – 1. For example, if we have a sample of size n = 20 items, then we calculate the degrees of freedom as df = n – 1 = 20 – 1 = 19 and we write the distribution as T ~ t 19.

What is the three parameter student t distribution? ›

t Location-Scale Distribution — The t location-scale distribution is a three-parameter continuous distribution with the parameters μ (mean), σ (scale), and ν (shape). If x has a t location-scale distribution with the parameters µ, σ, and ν, then x − μ σ has a Student's t distribution with ν degrees of freedom.

What is the t-distribution in layman's terms? ›

What is a t-distribution? The t-distribution is a way of describing a set of observations where most observations fall close to the mean, and the rest of the observations make up the tails on either side. It is a type of normal distribution used for smaller sample sizes, where the variance in the data is unknown.

What are the rules for the t-distribution? ›

The t distribution has the following properties:
  • The mean of the distribution is equal to 0 .
  • The variance is equal to v / ( v - 2 ), where v is the degrees of freedom (see last section) and v > 2.
  • The variance is always greater than 1, although it is close to 1 when there are many degrees of freedom.

Which of the following characteristics does the t-distribution have? ›

It is bell shaped, symmetric and centered around zero. It has heavier tails than the normal distribution. It has 1 parameter (degrees of freedom). All the above are characteristics of the t-distribution.

How to calculate standard deviation in t-distribution? ›

  1. Get the mean of the distribution (ˉx)
  2. Subtract the mean from each number in the vector (xi) and square the result (xi−ˉx)2.
  3. Sum the results and multiply by (1/total_number - 1) (1n−1)
  4. Take the square root.
Oct 3, 2014

What are the degrees of freedom for the student t-distribution? ›

In the case of the t-distribution, the degrees of freedom are N-1 as one degree of freedom is reserved for estimating the mean, and N-1 degrees remain for estimating the variability.

How do you find the critical value of the t-distribution? ›

Step 1: Express the confidence level as a number (decimal) with 0 < c < 1 . Step 2: Obtain the significance level, denoted , by α = 1 − c . Step 3: Use the -table or a calculator to obtain the -score (critical value) t α / 2 where (i) the is from Step 2 and (ii) the degrees of freedom equals , where is the sample size.

What are the properties of the t test? ›

TTest Properties
AnalysisGets the power analysis for the test, if available.
ConfidenceGets the 95% confidence interval for the EstimatedValue.
CriticalValueGets the critical value for the current significance level. (Inherited from HypothesisTest<TDistribution>.)
10 more rows

What are the conditions for student t distribution? ›

Conditions for Applying the t-Distribution:

1. The data is sampled from a normally distributed population. 2. The sample size is small (typically less than 30) or when the population standard deviation is unknown.

Which of the following are important properties of the t-distribution? ›

The t distribution has the following properties:
  • The mean of the distribution is equal to 0 .
  • The variance is equal to v / ( v - 2 ), where v is the degrees of freedom (see last section) and v > 2.
  • The variance is always greater than 1, although it is close to 1 when there are many degrees of freedom.

What are applications and properties of t-distribution? ›

Application of Student's t-distribution

The t-distribution has the following important applications: The population mean hypothesis is put to the test. Hypothesis of the difference between the two means tested. The difference between two means hypothesis is tested with dependent samples.


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