The Afro-American from Baltimore, Maryland (2024)

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The Afro-Americani

Baltimore, Maryland

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Saturday Marcli 7 ivK in 6016 Call VErnon 6017 Page ive OUNG SOTTHERX ARTIST IS Next ilm Tips II Pictures You Will Want To See At Local Movie House J' American Brown Skin VIOLINIST GAVE A TIP TOMMY WOODS EATURED Bp I Jones Churchill And Anderson rom Southern States or Honors Big League to I lie Uy sent I newsv Spinster Gives Pallbearers $10000 Washington ell known Clafliu Univ In his gossip about neighbors' trou trump hubby's ace in a bridge make catty remarks if he with is park to for din Tuesday 5 Dead Line HEAR THESE NEW RECORDS A1AT Telephone MAdison 4185 1544 Penna Avenue Mr "Hollywood NT RIDAY and SATURDAY ANNOUNCEMENT A ROSE IN THE GARDEN actor the amusem*nt world has ever known Chari Winner he has Universal Jewel NORMAN KERRY Irene Rich Constance Bennett AJlnfrt rtatioaal Jncturs t'4 XIS' IlQLHSEXpA sented by League of ws 'he Octette Of bancers Vie With Gertrude Hoffman (a i I GREATEST SENSATION Cofttnmes de executes par Heart Grip ping Soul Stir ring! 1 RIN TIN TIN In His Best Emma Ellen lists fJNew Orleans Boy Becomes Proficient In Swiss orm ASs MRS BLANCHE DOUGLASS 1 14 OMcCullOh (Street lj7rorn New ORGET GET THE VOTING TICKETS AT THE REGENT THEATRE led a girl 15 years She efforts of GARNET WILKINSON ADDRESSES TEACHERS ENTRANTS IN BEAUTY CONTEST creatures cool our or a 'MOULIN ROUGE GIRLS SEND PROGRAM per Miss with and Band Now Broadcasts VOTING At The Regent with the custo 173133 Pennsylvania Avenue opposite Lafayette Market ELKS KE INSTATED 1st have been Added Bramlett is still inions Photographe With Parisian Celebrities ul University AL (joddess Love with LEWIS STONE ALMA RUBENS fa 5 I jJTUUNb AH 116 I SEL TAUGHT YODLER See Our New Mallory and Emerson Hats COMPLETE LINE CAPS Miss This Glorious Romance WITH WHO CAME poor Its Reslu Xge! 7 1 meioara inat tc Sen su tori 151 WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY Unusual! Startling! Thrilling! A story of Romanc and Adventure with action incidents galore starring the most wonderful dog Sybil Turk Doreen Martha Gilchrist I aura Womble Tho 10th tableau Knock Thirty" Murray and SSL 1 ne conncks drew laucrhs in ra nf tha Vu rtaipn 3 the character man Thompson the orchestra di is singing Brothers and Sisters Stage Benefit at Trinity Th TO A VEILED MAIDEN lair maidens veil theirr VHliltV or fashion: I You more thoughful of usHide that which would passion I McKenzie Muir Boston Mass Carl Diton or Wives 1 Don't nag it gives men the ear ache 2 Don't let your house or yourself get untidy A wife is judged by the condition of her home 3 Don't get peeved if he shows he likes a pretty face in your presence 4 Don bles 5 Don't game 6 Don't snores Be sympathetic 7 get millinery mania ciotnes complex 8 Don't cabaret unless he you 9 Don't encourage relatives at your house 10 Don't grouch if late ner smile a bit Starring Aew York 1 Grand exalted ruler inley Wilson has re insfated members of the Manhattan Lodge New York City whom he suspended for obstructing a ruling mark by him I A antic Melodrania that itirr the blood with Rin Tin Ti the Springtime Ringtime Starting riday March 7th Ending April 17th BEGIN NOW Contest Open Now to all jruung inuies over io years Address photos to' MAJOR at Regent Theatre Pink Stewart i Carlington Hayes Clarence Rusckee Nellie Holmes Edner Gibbs and a Hand Pick Beauty Chorus LINCOLN QUARTET TO SING HERE Baltimore artists seertV destined to place themselves on the radio map rom Station WGBA last riday eve ning Vernon Hutchins and the Cinder ella Inn Orchestra entertained The complete progranViwas Vernon Hutchins and: Sammy Kewis (latter head of that has played the Regent' Theatre for th tnr two weeks) soloists Bernard Robin son pianist and banjo Carlos Sanks piano James violin Sammy Davis piano Swayzo cornet and Kerr guitar Mr Hutchins has been regularly en gaged to furnish concerts from this station for a long period i Hayes Gets or Concert irst Assistant Superintendent of Schools Guest at Banquet nan that grows the fastest she that knock i she man that minds his business hard to make the top Lno for: idle gossip I no hammer hi lila hand thosenat had hard strutrrlps 4 LUp LU lainQ i not go around misrepresent tryinS to knock to the top watKins Chicago PERORMERS Mnese wna are in any way identified with the thea IcaL profess may have their mail care of the afro AMERICAN ALTIMORE MO (r'r1 e'S 9ate way 1 1 the Norti and South Situated av the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay Jt is for al1 important rail nSn the Baltimore and Ohio and Pennsylvania railroads taeaiTneS to te national caci it further comme Is it to those having business or play 2 area Washington isPalso the headquarters of the Colored torsr Union an I the office of Dudley a dii seto of the The ARO AMERICAN stands ready today as it has in th 34 consecutive yt rs of its service to tacilities at the disposal I yii'lr ptrmanent address in care of the AC DA AUroiGAK VIC Ul me will bring uur ixzuld Kjewass order that prompt 134 111 i riiitp nmq IE HELD on LIST 362 Adam and Eve ConsolatiDn 8180 A Married A ool 1 Use You 12246 Drunk Red Hot Mamma 8193 Done Made A ool Out of Choo Your Suey 20364 Gin House at Mamma Blues Monument Atlanta Ga The big drive is un tier way to erect a 110000 monu ment on the grounds of Booker Washington High school here i The monument isto be a replica' of the monument at Tuskegee They Meet Roland Los Angeles Qalif (W II S) spite of hundreds of invita tions Itoland Hayes declared on the Ul nis nrsjt recital here that wuuiu auenu only one affair dur ing his two stay in the city rhe lucky hostess was Miss Manila Owens charming daughter of Bob Owens local capitalist Thru the efforts of Noah 'D rnompson veteran newspaper man Mr Hayes and party met "all the folks at an informal farewell re ception at The Business and Profes sional Club on the eve of his departure last Wednesday Lambda chapter of Omega Psi Phi at' the University of Southern California of which MrHyes is an honorary member acted as hosts Boots Hopes Stepping Out Miss Aurelia Wlieeldln fkicrc tary of the act playing the Mou lin Rouge Music Mall Paris sent a program of that play house to tlie theatrical editor of the ARO AMERICAN last neck 'Hie 'cover Jllust ration and contents aer quite up to the artistic standards of the rcjjch Photographs and list of thei staff of the music hall are followedtby a page of thumb cuts of Geftrudo Hoffman the dancer (white) and her IS girls Distributed promiscu ously throughout the book on four and a half pages are the pictures of the colored' group the lattej are prominently displayed without any segregated section or Jim CrotY ar rangement All of the young artists are wearing a happy' contented smile Heading the program is the fol lowing: Pour du Korean Moulin Rouge Jean abert presents: LA GRANDE REVUE du MOULIN ROUGE eW York Montmartre ivp ri qv abihchux 31 larqiipN The llrst number i'h which girls are cast is: 4e Tableaux I COLOURED GIRTS La Colored Girls Robert Piguet Mme tanglais' Roland Hayes has taken the Cali fornians by storm just he has Europe and the rest of America His concerts in the PhilharmonicAuditorium Los Angeles': were at tended by a capacity audiences After his concert on lday eb ruary 20th Mr Hayes to sing for a few wealthy persons in Pasadena The tenorjis report lv Have ivCtHVtrtl vv4 1 Hopes with Mamie Smith and her Jazz 1 founds writes from Xenia 'saying that the aggrega tion is still doing one nighters on the "kerosene through Ohio Their itinerary was: last Monday Zanesville Tuesday? Wednesday arid Thursday Canton Saturday Xenia This week they are playing Dayton anu Middleton snext week Cincinnati with Chicago Louisville and Memphis following All of latter week stands Most of the Original cast has been replaced since the production played Baltimore 1 our new girls and a' pian Clever AiiHiirLi its mu dining nnn uivnriH nmuijr OCUl iruixiuB to ine afro stair SRVS thn ArnnAMPBiHtM muxv a xa a newsy sheet and is among the best sellers in the territory! that he has played "Y'ou miss the paper with the green says Included is the information that Ocey Wilson the husband of Miss Smith Is going to put out a number two The billing is td he: Smith Pre sents Boots Hopes and Mamie Smith's Jazz Hounds" p'here will be 20 peo ple in the line up The parodist adds that he is not an official of the Colored Actor's Union merely a member He 'hopes the or ganization prosperity under their new buiuttiitt yveeK me vunch plays the Roosevelt Theatre Cincinnati Ohio I Latest S5000 A A A Garnet Wilkinson first assist ant superintendent of Washington's schools was the main speaker at the first banquet of the As sociation held in the auditorium of School 112 Saturday I President John Woolhous in troduced Mason A Hawkins as toast master Speakers included Miss The High Murphy I Edythe' Cooper arrmgton ij UaviS and George "The Elementary Schools Superintendent Wilkinson gave a resume of the proceeding of the annual meeting of the National Edu cation Association recently held in Cincinnati! Those who lattendsd were: Misses Emma Bright Estelle Hail Bessie I Thomas Gladys Holland Mr Ilarry Pratt Mr William II McAbee Mr I William Proctor Mr George A Owens Mr John Cottod Mr Sumner Whyte Mr Joseph jC SBris coe Mr William Griggs Mb Ei mer Burgess Mr Graftoh Brown Mr Llewellyn Wilson i Mr IL 1U1HUH LrUSS A Turkey Dinner Reading Pr Although in the best of health and expecting to enjoy life for many years to come Miss Betty Deem about 55 years old of No 535 North Ninth street has selected six of her friends to be pall bearers at her funeral and gave them a turkey dinner at her home Tues Her guests were: AV Custer Monroe Long Manwiller Gift Wil liam A Specht and George Yo cum all employed at the same factory Mob Is oiled Durham (' Whti JJUUUl vu or men inhutomobiles were search ing the highway for Isaac arabow 17 charged with attempted crimi nal assault Sheriff Lloyd had his prisoner safe in Orange County jail He denied his guilt Duel In Dallas Streets Dallas Dr It Trnno and his wife narrowly escaped death when Joseph Smith and his com panions opened fire on the couple as they were leaving home Sunday Mrs Trotter received a ilesh wound and Smith is in the hospital not expected to live Smith and his companions de clared that Trotter had nearly run Into their car earlier in the day TUE ot Sound STAR 1 "Oriental Serena formerly seen here earlier in the season at the Regent have re turned to Baltimore with a different routine from that used at the Penn sylvania Avenue Theatre The principals are ably reinforced by a sprightly group of choristers than whom there has been no more animated bunch appearing at this house Dawayman Niles the con tortionist let loose a superb array of twists bends and This specialty was one of the out standing performances The froceedings seemed to drag on Monday afternoon some of the were rather too loug drawn out Despite this the: customers seemed to get a great degi of sat isfaction Lee seems to have struck his stride in production anH hasx an attraction that is up to stand ard of most of those playing the smaller houses Harry Carey in is the suer feature for next a sfiay kjaaio va pa iuiiti wiiiuii we mortals are ble of committing according to the poet Dante who wrote the no on which is based the motion niotnra ci rx4 1 1 ot I a nt tha rnU ivuuvUUH uu next ivionaay and Tuesday In classifying Sin in his Dante is said 10T PuMshnS MISS MARION SAMUELS 1201 Madison7 Avenue THE AND PRODUCING COMPANY offers The Smashing Musical Hit STRUT STU ntion rerun aver Jones of Boatner andTones who are playing the Re cent this week the third of a trio of colored nude vaudeville artists who have done rA TTirtaCt unusual thfaur in teaching them c'zilr'oe rru4reww Jones is a native of gimd has been singing since a small ioy xie was mung a vaudeville iare in craivreton uexas ha he thought he Would like to iRLia a voaei num Ar TXTlf hnvif a a trn uvut CLAijf LCtUme 116 DC gan on his difficult task There is a sustained note' at the end of the sT a lc' rx If LUCJCtJ U1U Dy IB I1UW Tlfiincr vrH tewich he had much difficulty at the PfeJ A violinist in the theatre where rhe was eprforming suggested that move about while holding the note ollowing the tli he tried it and found that he wasl able to bet sustain the tone while in motion Kathan while standing still John Churchill and Charles An derson two other colqred vaude iprilHans are also adepts at this form of singing Mr Anderson is I beBeve a native of Birmingham Ala Sfbania Churchill from Ohio and as fe rx Abated Mr Jones is from UA musical tells us thatsln the performance of Jyodels thelinger changes quickly from chest fcto head tones and back ajrain This turnli of is common among gthe shepherds of the Swiss and Tv Brolese Alps he rarity of the air is said to WOntributB inro flv simple ancehtoVs from wuei nave undoubtedly flnheritedi their skill there is no tBrnVui theSe nre adePts But it is to marvel at these have taught themselves this difficult art none of a maB MTSS Whop Id in Maitland Mradqtvs Tom Woods as Mr Plantation and 'the girls as the Plantation Girls The Xbtii tableaux depicts the Negro quarter of New Yuri Tummy Woods is programmed and the girls as assis: ants in this number ioned by Cecil Mak add Jim my Johnspn is also featured The girls are cast with the 18 Hoffman Girls and others of the artists in the tauieau 31 ie Telilex tt SPECIALTY a Specialty Ip Pansenr TOMMY Wrtnnsi the 32e Tableau Ie nainnneiiH followed in larger type by LIC8 rt rv that played the Star recently has the the AROUND HARLEM WITH JACKSON New York Dni ta ine HArleni Rounders opened to a pack 44 i 1 IlIIUA I 7 btuyeu unta well a niiuuifem unu was patient both its courtesy and the iu ci ti i tit Ii0 LUU Ill Kosamonu Johnson aggregati i'DJIHilUnifTV ki VA fl I I tuiuv iii iou jnucn praise as a uii ui uh line the production A running board an innovation the house has been installed It is early yet to determine its alue rl I who like about the dominates is hard to sayj uuzen cnorat song dances and the band tenaia Higgins Aten attesting drawl it names listed in the ft ri and others of the leaders A inipi esslion made by in too ft ir mixt lire nf nmi curt thA church going folks and the blase 'people very laivsc Do matter Which group pry tO M1VJ I nil si rl i I offerings half as I fast mi nihr si tn with comedy jrkbv ililiv Ed Post and Billv Gulpori story Kiflg nf lr' Sinorinv fcl 'i A 'T'TV VZV TH i KINIIN IIN The qyartet of Lincoln will sing' at the Trinity Church Linden avenue and Biddle street on Monday March 16 1925 inis concert is being pr the Big Brother and Sister Baltimore of which Misu Elsie Mountain is chairman This organization is tri to the Baltimore public because of its work at Christmas time in dis tributing baskets to the Tpopr Its Work however is a year round one a recent case concern who had been sentenced in the penitentiary for larceny vyclo uaiuicu uirouzn top the Big Brother and Sister League and a position secured Since then the League has on several: occasions been called in to aid this girl In her new environment hi Punbar Books and scifiating and dramatically powerful Youth Dunbar Theatre next Wednesday 11th rom a standpoint not only 'of artistic excellence but in bigness of it stands quite alone in the list of recent productions ii The cj clone scenes thetnselves in which lit seemed' that all hell in a tmendous fury of whirling wind were skillfully violent the extreme they lacked entirely that ufactured appearance so common in similar episodes whale of a is said to aptly apply to which plays here on riday 13th uupmg xisn Carey eatures Gibson Monday A Bood cowboy gone wrong offers a tonic of laughter in latest Hoot Gibson release which comes1 to the: parey Theatre next Monday 9th ti 18 introduced as a poverty and love stricken cowboy His gin juts him because an inheritance of wealth elevates her 'thoughts t0 afleld of a more fashionably clothed strata Later the snhhini? ha retura his hightoned tactics i by snubbing her when hfs own financial ship comes in in New York nth'yAf PatCh up their parrel before the final fadeoutTbut thl path of their romance Is strewn with laughs and a bit of adventure Rediuni is discovered on the ranch He sells it and with 1113 outfits from a mail order catalogue and journeys to Broadway and! TheSWnibmWimnn'a scheduled for Tuesday 10th LA' stae success by Jules Eckert Goodmdn from dav 10th4 Who Came comes to the screen on Wedhes ThVnTii i one of the new special productions of unusual possibilities Ihe novel by John Hemlng Wilson was one of the best sellers a few years ago and the play was a merited success ene a lew ilm Spectacle At Regent aVnli Aneticv called the greatest historical film ever produced SatuVdRyfof WcUnesday Thursday iiday and 4 1 American Republic No detail has been omitted from the aTnhdertisa hlS 13 flrst showing in the Northwestern secton No advance Tlso teha1ta0esclr MiXU Ing "i' The atWment announces aiso that Oscai Micheauxs pictunzation of Charles Lehlnd the Cedars positively be played on March 1 8th and Spectacular Roosevelt 1 caPital siPS or passions which we mortals are Infer that name rT to have fol rr i 't win anu HB DU Ilia IT lilPrlT 4 The: seven capital sins or passions are: pride covetousness lust an ei1 gluttony envy and sloth It will be seen that these en eomrass Ji wrong doing as for example adultery may be an outgrowth nf inut murder the resuit of anger or theft Jie Jt a TiJnsflth is comnos WESt and depths of Hell and the kinds of punishment inflicted uporTthe0 souls of those who sinned during the earthly life i will TUeSday 1601 and Uh Manger To The Cross" Evelyn EllisHeading cast that is presenting Man Who Came At Dunbar Philadelphia! Orangeburg Carl Diton fore Oid Pauist of the race Appearing Jhrough the efforts of President iflmIc Negru president of to an enthusiastic nu nthrPif1ay evening at 8 mthl tilled his listeners xvith i Hie natkable technique and expression deluded many 1 of the nost difficult works of the Meisters CDttipositions he explained not Chaconne his first number by Bach tnd transcribed for piano by evldence to hip hear Wjithat there was present a knaster flat could charm and interest He Wiped his polyphonic transcription 33ta it group of selections frofn Cho KMlii U) Scherzo in major in sharP major and (C) A flat major Theseheard b' auciences as some weA i of Chopin but nTS oeautirui a fcim ThArtby Listz follow'ea thfs two vocal solos (1) "Ofr ifig ning from Anhauser by Warner and (2) A Be by PunsetE were IWeetly rendered 1 bHe closed his program by Wlth wonderful beauty Pd1 bj hm of the from feflhauser by Wagner The bnthu wstic audience so applauded that render an added se ulIOD minxi rrtut 1 enaea an ot interest And PPnhn a I to be forgotten at Claflin REGENT reased its personnel frorq iflnal 12 to 18 people for! igent engagement this week Outstanding features of the rmance were the of Kirkland a and contagious smile Sspecialty of Marie and Clint Oktner and Johnson) Thish's a singing act ith both mem i le act faultlessly attired a both possessing voices thatlthey bow to use A vodel number IPale brought a vociferous mand for in i choristers compensate if grjack of numbers by ani stepping and general all a A nurnber Ns dolled in bewitching Ck(d on Monday even dancing of another team laned tb 3 week Tusty" UJsharo is rfc ri kfess rt'A iHRlllki ITT Pr nr! liy at the nine show This uue oritrnr kqq 3 ULXll 1 1 LL lent t0 stae aa un ouuctlons tor the Mil fifC IH CDt nnvf wincr the ahfHtv lanc at the he 'has ci uh jn rV 1 1 1 1 1 and this mu ouic winner Gibbs formAriv rfr ni Mie vlrl IP Ill'A 1 1 fl I Hayes whn Eddie Rector In a winging test recently SteSt Hoirnes May Bird and Bob olliver Bird are the a top notch performance Warbler Was Choir Singer Wallace the OKeh rec ord singer is said to be a former church singer of Houston Texas' Miss Wallace attained prominence through her rendition of spirituals but moans exclusively now Ballroom or New York The erection of a spacious ball room is said to be planned by I lav ggen (white) who erected the Arcadia ballroom The corner of 13 5th street and Lenox' avenue Ts said to be the site contemplated stands consecutive yt cs of its service I of the Negro ession I ARO AMERICAN A ZK A ro i VMrtW 1 man to youj Give wocn3 diicda in 1 delivery may be mad i or towns and signatures leaihlv ft Will '1 THIRTY DAYS Send for rhail whe VOtlf namA flri A I Am A Nau lw lurwarcinq aer vice THE APRO A MER I CAN BALTIMORE' os rdMtr JC Ca TL Ar a 1 1 I i 1 He ArnWATTIPriCan Snul Jt I yr Q'AlJiyyCaL'nlltl fir A 1 ''T VUK Ki? mBRSv oBo I I I IM A ll I IB 'fl fl i fl iMI i fl IKill YS MB Bl j3 Hi ISMsi 1 3 Hl JUSSMHi BEEHKHH 1 EBKHHMi 7 HACKERMAN 4 fl a 1 fl I IJ I ifli 1 0 HI MAUflRY I i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i li SbhI ESC KHHlTra rerenai MM Bl If 11 A i 9 'M til I flfli ii BM 5 4 1 1 iJ IAMMLE i HH rt hMshMH Tz vptimft HB Mil M9M Ha flH ie fi flS Of die I Vi ideHWilnA WW I ii "A ii i Tfli Ban LI MKWk XA8HMII Zf 1 I fl 'ki Bl ST? i lfl i 'M djsssa I n' IflflllB JVV '2 ait'claIr BBMEBBB if BBwarzz' 1 i 1 tJpfanmiK st' 'i irafsm 'W WAimiJ MI i 7 watoEI IHBM lfl in mB "WBBwBflBfln I Jlfll MSIII i Ml JM NBCBIKCTKcWftSr i Kai wonder dog in the leading role A bIB 1 Hf HMjrjTWTjaQ yaHJSM MraWRwM liB jH rlllBi' I' VV riling 1 Bi: 1 I 5t 'AVI? 5 r' i rJx 5 III A VfW 'ViZ A si 5 d4K'j rx ''x' As z'' 5 i' 'n 'M' vu' Jfl A' '4.

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The Afro-American from Baltimore, Maryland (2024)


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Author: Jamar Nader

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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.