The Afro-American from Baltimore, Maryland (2024)

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The Afro-Americani

Baltimore, Maryland

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4 The Biggest Negro eekly lHe AfrcyAmencag ifamoregatiiniy October 261929 Lincoln Va State LpsetDope Pail irfr A si: fl Ju Mr r'i tv I 1 IT Jr 1 '4 RIVALS IN BIG GRID CLASSIC' A "I I 'w'l5C 1 1 i Blues to Watch Him 1J GTHEfif A LE 4 i 4 li NC Coaches Talk Strategy Vital 4 State YOU? Jt terer Skin i I kit tui Wt en 19 eo: Hl wl nt foi no th wa your Pure Your Strong UCvn i Wl Ch Wi VA STAT? 10) Williams Cropp Royall Powell Lee Hall Harrison Cooper Robinson Payne 4 at'f 4 swe Howardites Enter Southern California 4' tic roi nil ini ta dli ha in sb ca 25 SJTSS5 JsrW Knoxville College end whose abil ity to snare or a passes will jnake him a marked man in the 1 1 1 ia game at Knox vllle Saturday xf: Pair Plan to Enter Business Together Ch tn 8 De Wr QU T1 It at th llr kl LHRETT Clo LT LE is 1' 4 4 i5 QB PBLH RIH Mtlealera lh Hate and tape Hat Cleiantnr a Specialty 3 STORKS 3 420 ranklin Street fpiitnw myi1 Rnrntora Streets Baltimore and Calhoun Streets Inions iLatelRally ik RoutsAggies 1 I 1 ii 1 1 '7! wSepeMM Polo York city on srtuntar HownMr riod Last year Wissahlckon defeat Phaimov 70 'll WISSAHICKON Huhinger Houston Braeland Cawthorn tci I Miles Riley Anderson 1 Bailey Wedlock Smith Brewer (Wilmington) BELLS AT LINCOLN RUNG OR AN HOUR LINCOLN UNIVERSITY When news was flashed that the Lions had conquered the A and football team to the tune of 12 7 the first major victory in tour yearslt was an occaslonfor great rejoicing among the faculty and student bodv on the campus The bells of the university were In action for over an hour an nouncing to i thfe neighboring vil lages that the Lions had hit their stride and are now on the war path Rabble meeting was 'im mediately called and melodious veils of victory reverberated over the campus 1 Hilltoppers 'Score Early andthen Hold JBig Blye and White Eleven I 4 i BOUNDS MAKES SCORE LIVINGSTONE COLLEGE COACHES Left to righty head Coach Meek! Howard last year while Moorehedd Who for the last three years ha coached the Black and Blue Cohorts He is a waiter 1 a product of Livingstone With a summer of schooling in coaching He cen ters most of his activity on the development of the llne aktlet hlm Assist iiAii Aiu iiamiu sunmoAU Itantcoacn unutn was aoaea tms year uoacn emiutjoaua rrom North NOV MARIAN ANDERSON T' 4 buff Hats Made 'In Black and Brown $325 and $400 Stetson Stiff Hats £0 CH Tn all kthe 'leading shade pOlV Carlton Co Inc Il RT RiO CLa (WILL I Use' The Most Scientific Methods I Give A Searching Examination YELLOW JACKETS LE ih Atkins AWinkxy Kennedy I JllHoward Rose Terwilliger8chefll Stumpf fSvlrsky Hasbrouck il Beany 1 4 Touchdowns Blandford Smith Brown TJftinic aftr A writ 1 TLU Blandford Perlkel Keep Blood i ep Nerves i and Defy Dis HAMPTON LINCOLN CLASSIC HAS OOTBALL ANS ON EDGE HAMPTON INSTITUTE Polo Grounds or Is the on the Hampton Institute campus where a thousand students arc looking ahead to the great gridiron battle to be staged in New York on November 2 when the Hampton Lincoln teams will line up for the first collegiate contest between Negro teams ever to be staged In New York" City i The largest crowd that has ever seen a colored college game will take 'the stands at the Polo Grounds to see Coach Gideon Smith's ironmen: run onto the field if New York headquarters and Charles Williams graduate manager of Hampton athletics correctly interpret advance sales of seats 1 And to the cry of the student body "The Polo Grounds or bust" is now joined 'the contagious melodies and airs of William Hampton Institute band which will lead the Hampton contingent into the big city thirty six years Mr Tessmann has been director of this band known to thousands over this period who have viewed the Hamp ton battalion on parade 1 DICK TEMPLE BACK The return of Captain Temple to the Lincoln football squad has injected a great deal of into the outfit and has given Lincoln even stronger hopes of recapturing the CXAJL champion ship POLO GROUNDS New York GAME CALLED AT 2:30 VP A0MISSI0N S200 1 I I Reserved Seats $250 Box sears $300 Mail Scrit td' RAY MCCARTHY 55t ifth Ac OOTBALL HAMPION VS LINCOLN i vl Tigers Avenge Last Loss With Impressive Victory I 'I 1 I 1 BIRMINGHAM Ala With Ben Stevenson serving as the king 'pin of their attack the Tuskegee Tigers clawed their way te a 21 0 victory over the Clark University Panthers at Legion ield here Saturday ii Cleve men were out to avenge their loss to the Atlanta ag gregation last year and there was never any question as to which team was superior A recovered fumble in the i second quarter paved the way for the first Tuskegee touchdown Harrison carrying the ball over Stev enson added the extrs point via place kick 1 Shortly after the opening of the second half a series of runs and plunges by Harris and Shanklin placed the ball on the 10 yard stripe from which point Stevenson took it over adding the extra point Near the end of the third quarter another Clark fumble gave Tuskevee the ball on the two yard line Shank lin made a yard and Harrison bucked for the third score The xtra point was again garnered via educated toe Trick Play ools Clark delayed cross buck baf fled the Clark eleven and time after time thev gained on the Panthers They scored 13 first downs against seven for Clark running at tack featured Chambers and Duke while Baker Droved an excellent pas ser but was handicapped by poor re ceivers The last ten minutes of the game were played under flood lights COMMANDEURS OPEN 1 PHILADELPHIA aP With two months of practice behind them the Commandeurs local basketball ag gregation will open their season here riday against the Resolute jA white 7 8am Morton guard on last sound has been shifted to center St Paul 52 Eagles 0 DURHAM! El Toro Park was the scene of another slaughter Sat urday when' the St aur Tigers swamped the NC College Eagles by a 52 0 score All but three of the Carolina reg ulars were out of the game due to injuries received in the last three games 1 Smith Saint Paul fullback proved the star of the day gaining and making a 45 yard run for one touchdown Only once did the Eagles threaten and tliat was in the second period when with the ball on the Saints one yard mark with first down they fumbled and the Saints recovered I BROWN BEATS' LORIDA ATLANTA The Purple Wol verines Mdrris Brown University crushed the lorida Rattle snake 24 to0 here fiatutdayi Nolan plunged fori the first touch down of the 1 In the secqnd quarter White end bldcked ft punt anct Credell pass ed to Thornton for the second tallyA CredelL to Thornton ln the period placed the ball in scoringdistance and Nolan plunged fcr the third 'sdore'" In the final Quarter Credell plung ed center for the final scorer BLUES BLUEIELD? The Blg Slues after speeding an idle day lat Saturday meet the Knoxville College Bull Dogs Saturday at Knoxville They hAve but two home game left rm theift schedule November 16 when they meet Morgan College in the Bowl and November 23 'yhen theyplay Va Seminary in their first night game on the Princeton Athletic ield At Princeton WastVirginia ik Others Gel RidoRHEUMATISM Jones's umble Spoils Hamp Chances i HAMPTON INSTITUTE Va (Spe cial )rr A stout gentleman from Per tersburgp answering to the name of Bounds and admitting to a weigl of more thkn i 200 pounds spoiled for victory Saturday as Virginia State College matahad victory from the Blue and White by a 6 0 core This same young man has been a potent factor in all 1 of the games played by the Martinmen this season and with the aid of brilliant" trans nprtation by Larry' Johnson quarter back Royall halfback ne en abled the Hilltoppers to drink the cup of victory for the first time in four years: 7 i irst Period it was in the last" five minutes or the first period that the Hilltoppers gathered their strengh 'ortne charge that evened old scores Jones by means of beautiful 56 yard punt had buried the Orange and Blue men 85 deep in their Own yard when Larry Johnson nimble general hurled a 20 yard pass into the arms of Chambers who planted it tn the 41 yard line for a first down Then behind a lino that held Gaines anc Hunter impotent and Bounds passed and drove thcnwlves up to the 14 yard line £3 the quarter signal sounded! Bounds Scores 1'With the ball in immediate scor ing distance the State duet again began advance and with a charge that crumbled the Iron line Bounds crashed through i to register a win for the day and to tie the Hilltop Seaside gam'es record 6 The try for point with a pass from scrimmage failed The Statesmen immediately tried to duplicated their feat Ahis time by a fusllade of passes but the Ironmen were awake by now and broke up everything that started 4 i Hampton Rally ails' jl The Seaslders got a break as Clark Hampton stepping through a a well hole right tackle ran with the" ball 27 yards while Chubby Jones followed with a 23 yard sorint and a 5 yard drive How ever and White hopes failed to materialize ii and the halt whistle still fbund them scorelessi Statesmen 1 Scrap Hard 1 Early in the third period Royall Dabney and Bounds worked the baildown within thirty yards of the goal and Bounds attempted a place kick The kick was faultyyand though his line held solidly the bal fell short and went to Hampton en the 20 yard line The rest of the battle during the quarter was fought in mid field and withjthe exception of two fifteen yard penalties the ball stayed with in 20 of midfield 4 I 1 i i Jones chance qnje in the early part'df the 'last quarter when Bucky Harris brought a punt up 20 yards in State territory and put the on the 31 yard line tworuns of aboutra dozen yards eachish Weatherford and Chubby Jones puttheSeapiders in scoring distance Thei short drives against an ever tightening line brought Hampton up to the 6 vard line and Harris as well as the stands called for the heavy fullback As the line got into mo tion State through and Jones' fumbled a pass Royall pounced upon (t Instantly andiHampton's hope to tie was gone The ball was once more tn the possession Jones alternated apass which Royall snag ged Coach Smith sent in 1 Duck Moore who last vear distinguished himself in West Va but the game was too far'vone and al his driv ing availed nothing i HAMPTOIf (Oil Clarke Harris Jones Guess i McGowan Hunter Patterson Gates Hin Gaines Morton SUBSTITUTES: Hamnton Whltel for Mc Gowan McGowan for White: AnJersor TO Gate Weatherford for Clarke Moore for Weatherford Vai State Chambers for Williams Johnson' for Creop: Jaekson for Royall Curry' for Payne Dabney for Johnson Royall (or Hj Johnson Johnson for Johnson' for Royall LXVIHG8T0NI WcMai tynni Spaui Oivcm Butler iq Jooer BerryWaU0nBu Lincoln igJiter Kayoes White Rival Kid Snowden Parson Knocks Out McCallister in irst 1 READING Pa Eight thousand fans of this community were given a threat last Tuesday night when Kid Snowden the fighting parson from Lincoln university regained his lost prestige by flattening Jimmy McCal lister white in jig time 1 Landed our Blow The fight ended exactly one min ute after the gong sounded in the opening round It was one of thq most spectacular bouts seen here many moons Snowden administered the coup de grace by whipping over a cracking right to jaw McCallister flopped and fell like a log It took his seconds ten minutes to revive him TUSKEGEE BALES Your 4 mediciat don temere good than 'four doctors am going to tell my friends about tba wenderful' treatment and how tgls nelplng the aoreneaa In my Joints" says 'Mrs Aivejrsoq Ga a sampls of what uaers Say of Combination Treat meat for suSering aehss and pain of Rheu matlsm Sclatiet Nanritls Neuralgia Igflam atory Muscular YttmbagoGout ull SO (Jay treatment 13 with money back guar anteeif not satisfied or send for' ree gia flneJnda 10c to cover nacklng and nos tage MMSCO CO TJapt isn 74th St CHICAGO REMXCO CO Dpt AR ttas St qhieagg IH QgntlesHHu' Please snd tree sunpie of ftXMKCG COMBINATION RHXVMATIC RBMKUYa enclose 10q to help coyer TKMk tege and necking i a Name Address i City CHICAGO The revamped Chief go American Giants won three tt four games in their series with the white All Stars i nine composed big league stars last week uinnlns by 12 11 10 1 and 7 6 scores and propping oner contest 1 0 'i MANASSAS LOSES EIGHT The ''MaiMssas Institute squad with only three let ter men back will tackle the Cardoxa High School team of Washington here Saturday 1 George Dudley coach this year' i 1 I BRICKS SAINTS BRICKS 'NC Brick Junior College Big Green Panthers trouncod the St Elue Devils here riday to the tun of 18 0 Not once in the entire game was Panther goal line in danger LINCOLN Sydnor '1 ft Watara Veeny Jnmrx razier "Crosson Temple JaeksonAnd rson Lewis WMII SUBSTITUTES: A Canada and Wilian Jenkins and Jewell Rete Westmoreland Washington Umplro Burr (Howard) Dr cap' pagg iNorfolki 7 h' L' fV 'I Sc STATE 33 AYETTE VILLE 'll il 1 Ji ORANGEBURG SC ayette ville (NC) Norpial invaded the i tocars domain ana went oac II swamped by score of 39 7 The game was featurecj by fre quent end rims bv State acd a fif ty yard dash by Cotton i a 1 1 Vi State isu llCis Hanipton Tearn 6 0 Sydnor Lincoln End Snares Lons Pass to Redeem Him i seif I I 1 AND LINE HOLDS 1 4 f' Lone Score Comes in irst Quarter i i GREENSBORO NC llrota (Stretchy Sydnor Lincoln unl verrity end who last week wa label goat because of his failure to A hold a forward pasa redeemed Mm Jrel Saturday i wnen Wj nawn e(f the pass out of the air the tart three minutes of play that enabled him to trot across the goal line with 12 7 victory over A seven minutes of the first quarter had' elapsed Bus Coleman AeedvlA Iiirvdridrir had flhnt ACOSX for ft touchdown and had added the ex tra' point with his educates toe if Lions Stage I i Lincoln tallied in the second quar ter after exchange of punt when the Lincoln backs aided by a 'five yard Irun by Jack Lewis worked the ball to 10 yard stripe vwheie Lewis plunged over Sydnors kick missed the uprights I Mort of 1 the third quarter was played in midfield with straight fcot ball being resorted by both i teams In the final period Lincoln realizingthat the line could not be' penetrated resorted to aerial'at I ailtnentn I able to da maintenance Of velop and perfect methods of treat Brain health is that the i nd nerves should be In Showing System of Opportunity OR' I irst Class Barber CALL AT DOLPHIN ST AT MADISON NEVtf ALL ELT HATS $1 85 to $5 00 Stetson $850 to $10 CAPS 85 $125and $200 Air Attack' Wins' 'Two incomplete passes resulted in penalty but on the third attempt LaMar shot a perfect 25 yard pass into the waiting arms of Stretch Sydnor who galloped 40 yards with a clear field ahead for the winning score The extra point was again missed' 1 I I 1 and then opened up a for ward pass attack but it was too late The end play of Temple and Sydnor'and th onen field I running of featured for Lincoln while fthe'alliround play of Colemart and Raiford stood out for the Aggies COLLEGE Streater (e i Dillard Maion Hsrrta I Sparkman Coles 1 W'rren Carter1 aulk Coleman Stewart Skeptical Men of All Ages Should Read This Paragraph want to talk to every sut from Blood Nervous and DIsparar ThA fnnt that: are skeptical not dis courage us in the least nearly ail our patients teu oi tins saum experience are alleviating such cases every day and fee) sure 'we can do the sama forrn (V annunlflllv ftllnlt fill stubborn complicated and long standing cases Men who real ize the seriousness and gravity of their condition will appreci 1 ate the benefits conferred and lasting benefits we give' Come to for free consultation We will then explain bow different better and more helpful are our methods of treatment Our epe cial training and long years ot 1 experience in treating Stubborn Nervous (Blood' and Skin Di I seases give us many advantages in their treatment and satis factory alleviation is assured I Mistakes and Broken Laws In volve an Awful Penaltyl I seek the root of every ailment treat Thoroughness marks all my work 1 believe that thoroughness be back of every worthy suc cess and I know that it has given me my success Thoroughness in Seminary Defeat Livingstone 19 Ted Charges Trill Over Carolinians ta Hom Coming Game LYNCHBURG1 Ted Seminary team defeated ingstone college 'ln its game htre riday 19 to 0 fijTSt of the PAttia in a scoreless tie In ttw third8? ter Seminary was able to score Henderson received a Whcni White and ran fifty yaff kIroa: touchdown Immediately followin' score gains made by uby Watson MumwSf WTha the seconcI core The third score came as a ZL of an intercepted pass by brought the ball within fix bS 1 lue lineup: SEMINARY Henderson' Martin Taylor "to Scott i Martin Horton (C) rt Watson "pl" Murray White Chaffin Henderson Trigg Greater Nerves i Yon Can See Hw Necessary' It 1s to ijio auwco iu uuftuin oc Keep Them strong' the preparation of my chosen field Showing thoroughness in the treatment of "It ta my belief ever A 4 41 4 i 4w a va C4 that the greatest Diseases By laying aside all theo Great rles and ascertaining for myself tne Single factor to the scientific truths regarding certain Parts With Blood 1 er wes i Put Your Case Unto Me Ym will annreclate CONSCIEN "tllcn are Lire 'HOUS and SKILLUL treatment Remember NERVE NATURE EXHAUSTED NEED THIS EASY TO GET IT 4 i Whav multitude of ailments qiay causa packachel 'Any of the'errors of a man's whole life may be the cause of backache Any part of the back may ache and pain you and make your life miserable You can tin on thinkinw it sot better whn in fact that very ache is Ivtryifig to tefi'you that there is some bling seriously wronS wth You wopoer wny your nervous energy is iow ai you worry ana wonuur is could oe a fatal disease YOU CAN IND OUT IN TEN MINUTES I YOU WILL CALL ON 'MS OB EXAMINATION It has been my business for many years to tell men what was wrong with their healthnd to give th4m scientific treatment direct methods used PACTERINSJ SERUMS VACCINES Medication by SERUMS ANTLTOX1N8 BACTER1NS and ANIMAL THERAPY are among rthe latest discoveries in useful medicines Thia form of medicine Is given in very small doses ant not through the stomac Thanatlent receives oowerful medlaation hv absorntion and the delicate arrangement Jof digestion is not affectej in the least iviEri i rtinn vr iuuk LUMrAKt W4 1 Arfc WVJUtaJfvo you realise that you have only one life to do you realise that you arw missing meet of that life by U1 health? A lite worth living is a health Ufe i Neglect of health has put many a mah tn his grave Some men would rather be dead than ifeyou 'are one of that kind you will not need this 1 am talking to real redblooded men men who will appreciate the services' of a real who know tha good from the men who realize the benefit of good men who have con fidence in themselves if Ypu will come to me i wl make you have confi leace in others i will make you cheerful and optimistic and healthy my west oaiwnw rirsn otnumu Come in To day NO CHARGE WHATEVER OR CONSULTATION Pally 9 to' 12 AAL1 to PJML Evenings 7 to 9 Except Tuesdays end ridays 9 to 5 PJH Only Sundays and" Holidays AJL to 2 DOCTOR OR MEN Mf DR SCHAMEL 7O3 HOWARD STREET Betwften Mcmument and i Madison Sts Baltimore Md LOS NGELES CalAMaktog al transcontinental trip from Wash 1 ington dCf lemlngkR Waller off Richmond Va and Alexander Islands debarked here last week and" enrolled In the department of I commerce ox we university ox Southern California I Met at Hampton I doth students studied at Howard university last year and desirous of travel for new experience decided to change 77 schools They admitted I that they met at Hampton Institute! where after the hlrtonG striks of 1927 they matriculated at Howard university ill They: are majoring in commercial i studies and on graduation will her newHiare Iva hlielnac dBYltrnrlftA Mr Waller i la an experienced I salesman and his way thru I Alt' 4 CLALIN 27 GA STATE OH The Claflin Panthers defeated Georgia State eteven at Orangeburg byga sco of carried the ball over for the first touchdown Claflin scored uiree touchdowns one in the third HHarf an WM44U aixu lwu in rnp Tnurth ter The line plunging of Arnette a Qjg leature of the game and the extra points were kicked by Knight 0 DEL STATE 0 light Bowia Bulls fighting i wlth their backsaB hId the heavier Delaware State eleven to a scoreless tie here Saturday In the final period the Dover grld ders worked the ball from their 31 yard line to the Bowie 19 yard stripe where they were heiq on downs Tho whistle blew as Bowie warriors had worked the ball to 11 yafd mark BEAT WHITE STARS Hear Me To Ya ByBLGIBSON '7 I YOU KNOW OOTBALL Soi KamZ0' f00U i game properly It is my and for that reason' STEM theySnSEE theriSus plays They should also know the various duties that their require states that officlalsof a game shall be an UmDire a Linesman and a ield Juuge is the opinion of the Rules tthser the best interests of the game for teams to dispense with the ser vices of any one of the officials provided for under the That no official be burdened with the dutito nothwr tti colvum again suggest to the various schools and colleges that they useOUR officials If there is any squawk then there should be some firing done PASS UP YOUR PLATE and get a helping of the stuff Howard 80M Into' temporary huddle to de termine tne causes for the loss of three straight games In no of their mes this season have the Hilltoppers crowed their goal line while 44 points have been scored against them This the old grads say is terrible and they are pointing their fingers at President Johnson and at Coach Tom Verdell ho has fallen heir to the position of the Howard goat "They Charlie West should never have been fired from coacn ana are oeginrung as wjiu vr i Which if you ask me is Just a lot of catnip While it is true that President Johnson has set up me rat lofterisabouV athletics those Ideals are by no means unattainable The opposition of the alumni is to be expected but mark my words it wont last OiagRight now I am told authoritatively there are athletes at Howr ard whose expenses are being paid by individuals or lievb that they will make ffood Tnese athM and lodging paid and in some instances have a more liberal allow idea is to have clean sport whether Howard i wins or loses The alumni say that Howard must win at any cost That has been and will be for some timc yet one of Howard greatest difficulties and it will either make Dr Johnson bald or grey Verdell was selected I understand without the approval of the Board of Athletic Control Those gentlemen wanted to retain Charlie West but Dr Johnson said no and they were rankled xVhen the time came for football this year only three regulars were available the others being either Ineligible or indifferent about coming out to practlpe Still Howard carries on i Defeat is bitt er medicine to swallow true but this pillar feels that it is to be preferred to tainted athletics Dr Johnson experiment then should not go for naught i i er THE UNTIMELY DEATH of Walter (Peck) Lerian white catcher of the Philadelphia Nationals removes a figure that was known to and liked by a number of race baseball fans Lerian who worked behind the bat for the All Stars against the Black Sox Bunday was killed onaay an miuhuwim: He Impressed this writer as one of the cleanest and fairest players on the All Stars team and his performance will be missed when the two teams meet again Sunday I I DESPITE THE ACT that Seth Slocum foremost sports prog nosticator in captivity has accepted a big coaching job which makes mm ineiigioie i vn luune ui oiucum wu wix live ''Wednesday morning Caleb Slocum father reported at the ARO office and told the Sports Editor that while his son was busy driving a coach and four mules he (Ca leb) would try his hand at doping out the teams Unwilling to send the old man off disappointed we have given him a tryout His selections follow Lincoln to beat Morgan Tuskegee to beat Wilberforce Howard to beat West Virginia State Union to beat A and Virginia State to beat Shaw Hampton to beat College Langston to beat Alabama State Bluefield to beat Knoxville Morehouse to beat isk AND EN PASSANT as Pinky Clarke cackled when he fired the: pigskin at Alfred Bell that big noise about the Renaissance basket ball team being all shot to pieces and demoralized is just a dud The Rens have strengthened themselves if anything adding Rapp Wheatley of Morgan College and Billy Yancey the Phillyf flash Saitch Captain (Slocum Jenkins (Pappy Rick Mayers and' Stretch Hill make up the New combination Now just name any promoter who be glad to have an aggregation like that I dare you MAYBE YOU That despite the bar against Negro baseball players in the big leagues there is one playing on a team in the American League That Virginia Seminary still carries on Its stationery that it is still a member of the OIAA but that officials of that organization say That some of our colleges would be glad to grab certain high school coaches but the uncertain tenure of office in a larger school makes these men shake their heads negatively That Bluefield is not as likely to go into the CIAA as some folks would have you believe That Rapp Wheatley who has landed a regular berth the Renaissance basketball team in New York may return to school in and will still be eligible to play with the Bears That if you read this colyum you would NOT have missed half of your life 7 LT LGC RGRTREQB LH RH PB nlncAS me foremost rnnnnflnn nf a Ilion sueciHiiBiB trenuns uuruinc rles and aHcertainlnR for myself the Cheyney Wins from Wissahickon Boys ft 1 ip Piles Up 24 0 Score to Avenge Last Defeat pCHEYNEY Cheyney ed the Wlssahlckon Club elev en here Saturday 24 0 li fcarly in the second period cney fullback oreman in tercepted a short forward pass and ran TO yards for a touchdown and before the period ended Lawrence Williams a series of line plunges fsei the line for a second touchdown About a minute 1 before the Tend of the second tperiodq Rufus Johnson kicked the pig skin 65 yards which resulted lnt a touqhdoyn foi jCheyr triate for points aft er touchdowns were failures ore man' scored 'again in the third pe TTfi haa a jIj 1 O' AC1 1 ed Chevney 7 0 CHEYNEY Kwell vlxhar Davis Johnston Douglass RG Blalock RT Moat 1 Williams QB i oreman Johnson LH Jordan (C1 RH a Wheeler Umpire Burton (West Chester) iTimers aul Sima and Briggs (Philadelphia) Linesman John Roscoe Collins (Phila) Cavalry 13 Kingston With Bland ford Smith Brown and CapU Jack son leading in the attack the Caval eleven of West Point defeated a tne local Yellow Jackets by a 31 0 score here sunaay CAVALRY enter Johnson O'Neal Mils (C) Long Smith Benefield I Blandford I Jackeon JL (O) oote Brown Wm' Wm 1 II (ield Judge Merke Saunders Ref I stocks Perell I I SMITH ROSH WINS I CHARLOTTE NC The Smith I University Golden Bullets 3rd team S' of the varsity squad ran passed ana plunged the Laurinburg Institute Ti line to overwhelm the visitors I by the score of 44 0 Saturday 1 The third string aggregation 'tallied I twice to the first half After that Coach Thomas ran to more Bull subs who cavorted in the pen (until I the final whistle if Mmr i Mir i 1 1 Hi fl Jar? I I refl '401 i lAl I I' flfllHRvlvKBlW i' J1 lj tlf I jt til 'I I I II I I I 9 I I I I 0 :1 5 I iS B' 1 i iH I til hh i HI I I I 4 sc 1 iWETtrftsL ft' if 1 I BMBBBflMHBiBBHHHHBBHBHIH 1 I 1 IB 4 WMlM 1 i 1 1 EEg9KfiaKBlHBB83 1 1 kjn jBE92kjL if 1 1 1 JinHBEBIwSMBHP a i 1 1 1 VdlrrT 'iK 12 pBBs va'4 "Mik i 'Bl id 1 I I I J' 5 1 ii I is nJ 1 0 ll IMBB jBnaSBiHBH T3v i cv vavvv i i i BBS.

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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.