The Scarlet Pantheon (2024)

Payment in Crimson
Twice per Turn, When Level 5 or Higher "Scarlet Pantheon" Monster is Special Summoned: Draw 1 card. When a "Scarlet Pantheon" Xyz monster is Special Summoned: You can Attach this card to that monster as Xyz Material. You can only control 1 "Payment in Crimson".
[spoiler="Scripture of the Payment in Crimson"]
"All Members of the Scarlet Pantheon must cut themselves and give a few drops of their blood to Appease the Guardians and the Avatar, or they shall Perish"

Promotion of Blood
Tribute 1 Level 4 or Lower "Scarlet Pantheon" Monster you control; Special Summon 1 Level 5 or Higher "Scarlet Pantheon" Monster from your Deck, It's effects cannot be activated until your 2nd Standby Phase after this card is activated.
[spoiler=Zeimaier s Promotion of Blood']
Zeimaier woke up in the middle of the night to find Nikun giving a letter to her, She opened the letter and it had read... "Dear Zeimaier... I have seen how well you have done your missions I have assigned to you, You could even become a Guardian if I had the Authority, But Yata-Aluria Sees something in you that should not be there, He believes you still Lust for Power like he has been watching you for the past year, so much to my deepest regret, I cannot make you Guardian, but Yata-Aluria has allowed me to promote you as Officer, Just Sign your name below in your own blood...Sincerely, Ryko"Zeimaier cut her finger and Signed "Zeimaier Ou Ovirkinu" on the bottom of the letter in blood, like she was asked to...

Aegis of Scarlet Protection
Target 1 "Scarlet Pantheon" Monster you control; Until the End Phase, The Target is unaffected by Card effects, Cannot be destroyed by Battle, and it's effects cannot be Negated. During the Next Standby Phase: Your Opponent Draws 1 card
[spoiler="A Blessing from Aiur"]
Members of the Scarlet Pantheon got together for an important meeting from one of the Guardians of the Scarlet Pantheon, Aiur. He appeared on the podium and proclaimed "Greetings fellow Pantheon Members, I have called you all here today for a special Blessing!" The Members cheered as a Thick runic armor appeared in the middle of the crowd, "This armor is blessed with my power, Allowing our people to withstand the end of the world!"...

Boundarium Armor
Activate when your opponent has targeted a "Scarlet Pantheon" monster for an attack: Special Summon 1 "Rip Token" (DARK/Fiend/1/0/0) in Defense Position, If you Control a "Scarlet Pantheon - Nikun", Special Summon 2 "Rip Tokens" instead. "Rip Tokens" cannot Attack or be used as Synchro Material Monsters. Your opponent can only target "Rip Tokens" for attacks. When a "Rip Token" is destroyed, Banish 1 card on the field.
[spoiler="A Gift from Aeklyn to Nikun"]
Aeklyn felt a bit sad as she gained the Aegis of Scarlet Protection to study and copy, and As she did, She had another idea. Why not help out the poor girl with the Boundary powers? She went into the ruins of Nikun's old room and gotten several pieces of crystal to experiment with, and it turns out, The Boundarium Crystals easily melded with Ordinary Steel, A metal she can easily forge with...

After the Armor was forged, Aeklyn decided to try out the armor by smacking it with a Mithril Hammer, The Armor did not dent, but then a Rip opened behind the Armor, It looked Similar to Nikun's Rips in Reality and determined that she will be pleased with the armor, Which Aeklyn then gave the Armor to Nikun as a gift, which made Nikun very excited...

Miracle of the Boundaryweaver
When a "Rip Token" is destroyed, You can instead Banish 1 random card in your opponent's hand. You can only control 1 "Miracle of the Boundaryweaver".
[spoiler=Daki s Miracle']
Daki was experimenting with a piece of metal and Nikun to help against her problem of her tiring, It was until Nikun was testing a new Armlet, The Armlet actually Amplified Nikun's Boundary manipulating abilities and did not turn unstable and disintegrate afterward, Daki was shocked and Nikun was rather excited, Daki made more of the Armlets for the rest of the Boundaryweavers in the pantheon...

Crimson Zeal
Equip only to a Level 5 or Higher "Scarlet Pantheon" Monster. When the Equipped Monster destroys a monster by battle: Target 1 level 4 or Lower "Scarlet Pantheon" Monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon it.
[spoiler="The Royal Spar between Yata-Aluria and Aiur"]
Everyone knew that Yata-Aluria and Aiur were Rivals, and every now and then, they would spar with each other, All of the Scarlet Pantheon did not mind, As it allowed them to train against the Evils they had to fight, but one day, Avielle Decided to have a week where they would Spar and all the Scarlet Pantheon would watch. The first day of the Spar, everyone was freaked out about the power both Yata-Aluria and Aiur were firing off, They all started to train much harder in hopes to become Guardians...[/spoiler]

Ritual of the Scarlet Pantheon
During your Main Phase: You can attach this card to a "Scarlet Pantheon" Xyz Monster as Xyz Material. You can use this card as Xyz Material for the Xyz Summon of any "Scarlet Pantheon" Xyz Monster.
[spoiler="The Scripture of Servitude"]
"To serve with blood is to bring the Guardians within out to battle, To Kill and Maim, To Live and Destroy, We all must fight with all our soul and blood"

Castle of the Scarlet Pantheon
"Scarlet Pantheon" monsters gain 700 ATK and DEF. Once per Turn, If you control a Level 5 or Higher "Scarlet Pantheon" monster or a 'Scarlet Pantheon" Xyz Monster: You can Banish 1 "Scarlet Pantheon" monster in your Graveyard; Add 1 "Scarlet Pantheon" monster from your Deck to your Hand
[spoiler="Tour of the Castle"]
The Scarlet Pantheon, after many days of persistence, finally got Avielle to allow them to build a castle where Visitors can visit, and It was actually completed with the help of all the Boundaryweavers in Mere Hours. It was a Huge, Majestic Castle with a Marble Inside and old fashioned Stone on the outside, It was but a day later that Aeklyn got a call from a friend, A Tour Guide from the Underworld Known as Kristine, Asking about a Tour of the New Castle...

Several Days later, Kristine arrived on the Scarlet Pantheon's New Castle, Where Aeklyn was waiting for her, Which they entered the castle together, Kristine was awestruck by the interior, but little did they know Kristine had a Dangerous Stalker. Aeklyn Noted a Looming Dark Shadow across her and had to pipe up to Kristine "I almost forgot, There is a person you should be careful with... Nos Feraku has really weird goal right now... She kinda got sick of those Power Ranger Wannabes and decided that She wants to Violate a Beautiful girl from the underwor-" Aeklyn was cut off by feeling a strange wind followed by Kristine Disappearing...

Kristine was in a different area, A Dark Hand in her mouth and an arm over her Chest, a Face Appeared from the Darkness as it Dragged Kristine into a room in the castle, Kristine could hear Giggling as the Dark hand retreated from her mouth and aimed for her chest, The thing that happened to grab her started to feel her chest and Kristine could hear a Soft, but unnerving voice "A chest so small..." Kristine struggled against the tight grip of whoever was holding on to her, but could not break free of the grip, She then asked "Who are you!? I would like to know so my Husband can kick your-" Kristine was interrupted by a hand over her mouth again as that voice said "Oh, I did not know you were married... but enough of the Pleasantries... I am Nos Feraku..." Kristine was stunned as Nos Feraku was about to reach down to her waist, but was interrupted by Aeklyn Charging into the room, Aeklyn was fuming mad and had already punched Nos Feraku in the face and Rescued Kristine...

After running a distance away, Aeklyn then asked Kristine "Are you alright?" Kristine replied "I'm alright, She almost got to me... I wonder how did that Disturbed freak get in the pantheon anyway..." Aeklyn responded "The Scarlet Pantheon is a Guild that the only members are Avielle's Creations... Anyway, On to the tour..."

Aeklyn took Kristine past the hall of fame, and had her explore quite a few rooms, and after several minutes, They were done Touring the Castle, but had ran across her Officer, Ryko, who then glared at Kristine and dialed on a phone, and at that very instant Nos Feraku Appeared, grinning, Nos Feraku was about to Violate Kristine again when Ryko held up his hand to stop her, He then asked Aeklyn "Why is a Tour Guide from the Underworld at the Scarlet Pantheon?" Aeklyn then Responded "Kristine is a friend of mine... She asked me if she could explore the new castle for a while" Kristine also said "Actually, I was about to leave and report to the Manager about this Majestic place, maybe, if that castle was open to the public... and your Resident... -ahem- Creepy girl brought under control... Maybe you could make money off this place..." Ryko looked at the Kristine and said "I actually never expected someone here that soon"...

A few hours later, Kristine boarded the Tour Bus and went back to the Underworld... Nos Feraku was actually quite sad and went back to her room, Aeklyn followed Nos Feraku to her room and said to her "Aw Don't Worry Feraku, I heard that Them Wannabe Power Rangers got a Nice Girl on their team that is begging you to rape them... Inzektor Ladybug I think..."

Crimson Rally Order
Level 4 or Lower "Scarlet Pantheon" Monsters gain 800 ATK. When this card is Destroyed: Add 1 "Scarlet Pantheon" monster from your Deck to your hand.
[spoiler="The Threat Towards the Pantheon"]
It was a very peaceful day after that tour within the Scarlet Pantheon's Castle, until the night time, A Bloodstained Raven returned to Andinios after a Mission to scout the skies for trouble, It came bearing a letter of war towards the Scarlet Pantheon. after that, The entire pantheon was on High alert after the letter was made public to the pantheon.

The meantime among the Chaos, The Guardians and the Officers got together to discus this new threat...

Yata-Aluria Spoke first "What is this threat? I'll Kill them easily... Make them suffer a slow and cruel death!", Andinios replied to Yata's Question "They're the Devils of the White, I'm not sure about their goals, but according to the letter that the raven returned with, They said that 'The Dark one shall rise to rule the world again! Those who stand in our way will meet a cruel fate!', It should mean that Teidias has somehow gained followers" Ryko then said in an angry tone "How the h-e-Double-Hockeysticks did they find her!? We sealed her in a Crystal Prison, Then hid her in the Deepest and hardest-to-reach place in all of the world!" Andinios shrugged and said "I don't exactly know..., but we're not standing idle with this threat!" There were cheers at the discussion table, They were blood thirsty and were wanting to battle something in a long time...

After a Month of preparing, The Entire Pantheon were given an order, "Prepare for Battle! We're going to Attack the Devils of the White!"...

Bloody Revival
Target 1 Spell or Trap card in your opponent's Graveyard and 1 "Scarlet Pantheon" Monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon the Target in your Graveyard and Set the Target in your opponent's Graveyard on their side of the field.
[spoiler="A Bloody Day of work"]
Yata-Aluria, After giving the order to prepare for Battle, Retired to his room, Which was empty aside from various equipment to help train his powers, From his Sword skills to his Danmaku, to his very proficient Boundaryweaving, He never could find anywhere more exhilarating than on a Battle field with his sword in hand, fortunately for him, He lost his Rascolve Doll which while useful to him, was quite annoying to speak to...

Meanwhile, Aeklyn was working overtime to supply weapons to the various people of the Scarlet Pantheon, The Extra work was tiring, but the Pay raise was more than worth the Blood, sweat and Tears, But it was then her heritage called out to her, and blessed her with a powerful weapon that would be sure to help her reach the higher ranks of the Scarlet Pantheon, Maledictus Malignitas.

Varaunaku and the Other Boundaryweavers started an Emergency Session of Training as they could definitely be called out at any time by Darius to serve as their first line of offense, It was in the code of conduct that the Boundaryweavers would attack first in battle, since they're often the most powerful Soldiers in the pantheon...

Pot of Crimson
Draw 2 cards, then your opponent targets 1 card in their Graveyard; Your opponent Adds that card to their hand. You can only activate 1 "Pot of Criimson" per turn. You cannot Summon any monsters the turn you activate this card, Except "Scarlet Pantheon" Monsters
[spoiler="A Legend in the Scarlet Pantheon"]
"Long ago, the Entire Scarlet Pantheon, including Avielle, Beat Teidias with a lot of effort. and sealed him in a prison made from a mysterious crystal that somehow weakened his power... Near his prison, is a Pot full of Teidias's blood, All Dried up. If Laventi ever struck the pot, Teidias would be freed and The World would be no more..."

But of course, It's just a Legend, So Teidias could be freed in a different Manner...

Boundary Controlling Armlet
Tribute 1 "Scarlet Pantheon" monster to Target 1 card your opponent controls; Destroy it and Special Summon 1 "Rip Token" (DARK/Fiend/1/0/0) in Defense Position, This Token cannot Attack or be used as a Synchro Material Monster. Your opponent can only target "Rip Tokens" for attacks. When a "Rip Token" is destroyed, Banish 1 card on the field.
[spoiler=Aeklyn s Gift to Erisia']
Erisia Met up with Aeklyn one morning, Because she knew that Aeklyn knew that Today was Erisia's birthday. Aeklyn Presented Erisia with a New Armlet, An Upgrade to the one that Erisia used to control her powers. The next thing she knew when she put it on and used her powers, She could open up a Gap and confront the being who controlled her powers, Aeklyn and Varaunaku Helped Erisia confront the demon that controlled her powers and defeated it. It was the best gift that Erisia had, Freedom to use her powers...

Veil of the Blood Allure King
If the only Monsters in your Graveyard are "Scarlet Pantheon" Monsters: Shuffle 1 Level 4 or Lower "Scarlet Pantheon" Monster and 1 Level 5 or Higher "Scarlet Pantheon" Monster from your hand to the Deck; Draw 5 Cards and Banish 1 "Scarlet Pantheon" Monster in your hand, If you cannot, Banish all the cards in your hand. After this card resolves, Banish it.
[spoiler=Aeklyn s Gift to Yata-Aluria']
Aeklyn had worked many weeks to prepare something for Yata-Aluria's Birthday, In fact, She actually wanted the Gift to be perfect, so she had to recruit Daki and Nikun for help, and they start Brainstorming, Daki began the discussion "Would the Gift be a sword?" But Both Aeklyn and Nikun said in Unison "No! He's got too many of those, He brings 20 of them to his Dart Tournaments to actually use as his darts" Daki then thought of Yata-Aluria and immediately saw him go by on a patrol, She smiled on an idea "Hey Girls? How about a new cape for him? I had a look at him and knew he needed one!" Aeklyn and Nikun Nodded in agreement and they started to get to work, Nikun Dreamed of the Same Material that Yata wore as his old Cape, A rugged and durable Satin Cloththat could hold out for years...

Days Later, The Short, but Beautiful Black Cape was made, the Patterns would have to be painted on by Birthday boy...Who turned out to be behind Aeklyn, Nikun, and Daki when they were planning on throwing a party for him, But As soon as they felt Yata's Presence, They had turned around and asked in Unison "Heya Yata... What are you doing here?" Yata then Replied "Well, I was a bit curious about what you're doing... Am I Interrupting Something?" The 3 then Replied "Well..." Which they gathered around to discuss, Yata could not hear it, but he could hear words like "Cape", "Yata", and "Tomorrow", Then The Discussion continued and with Yata hearing some words, More Specifically "Today", Then the 3 Broke from their Discussion and said to Yata "We decided that We should give you your Birthday Present today" Yata was Awestruck as the 3 Girls got the Cape and Gave it to Yata "Happy Birthday Yata... I'm Sorry about the Plain Design, But you can always paint the pattern on" the three said with a smile, Yata-Aluria Smiled and said "Thanks guys..."

Crimson Return
Banish 1 "Scarlet Pantheon" Monster to Target 4 "Scarlet Pantheon" Monsters in your Graveyard and 1 of your other Banished "Scarlet Pantheon" Monsters; Shuffle them to your Deck, then Draw 2 cards and Reveal them, If there are No Spells or Traps among them, Draw 1 extra card.
[spoiler=Avielle s Awakening']
In the middle of the Night of Yata-Aluria's Birthday, Little did everyone know was as they were celebrating, A breeze could be felt everywhere in the castle, Ryko could feel the breeze and felt that it was an Omen, He sorta Panicked and ran out of the room and to the room where Avielle Slept far below, He could sense a great power rising up and immediately knew what it was. Ryko Stood back as a Pillar of Light enveloped the room and a familiar man appeared before him, The one he only saw once... Avielle

Avielle approached Ryko and placed a hand on his forehead and said "My My Ryko, You sure have grown a lot the last time i saw you, I wonder how My son is doing" Ryko was a bit confused until Common sense struck him, and He Said "Yata's Upstairs, Celebrating his birthday" Then Avielle Said "Why don't we Surprise him Ryko" "And everyone in the Pantheon? That would be rather Hilarious" Ryko and Avielle walked upstairs and into the party room, Avielle was using Ryko as a crutch Since his energy had left him while he was asleep, Avielle then Chuckled as he Saw Yata, Just dancing to the Music and stuff... until Yata looked for Ryko and his eyes met him and Avielle, Then Everyone's Eyes Met Avielle as soon as Yata's Eyes had met Avielle. Lets Say that the Celebration continued to the 2 days afterwards

Assault of the Boundaryweaver
When a "Rip Token" is destroyed, You can Banish the top 2 cards of your opponent's Deck. You can only control 1 "Assault of the Boundaryweaver".
[spoiler="Assault of the Devils"]
It was Midnight at the Scarlet Pantheon and most of everyone could see torches outside, It turned out to be the Devils of the White trying to Raze the Scarlet Pantheon, but unfortunately for them, The Ruckus woke Avielle from his Sleep, Where he proceeded to give each devil a fate worse than death, being trapped in a different dimension for all eternity...

Avielle then Noticed something off and went to check out the Seal, and Encountered more Devils in White trying to get Laventi, but Avielle already Dispatched them before they could actually get to Laventi...

It was about this time where the entire Pantheon woke and started driving back the Devils of the White...

Tactical Demotion
Tribute 1 Level 5 or Higher "Scarlet Pantheon" Monster to target 2 Level 4 or lower "Scarlet Pantheon" Monsters in your Graveyard; Special Summon them.
[spoiler=Zemaru s 'Demotion'']
After Zemaru was drafted, She was immediately 'accused' for Treason, and was sentenced to the Different Dimension, However, A Few days later, Yata-Aluria Secretly recruited her as his own Special Ops to protect Zeimaier, This action was actually okayed by Avielle himself, despite not making it official...

Boundary Swap
Once per turn, When a monster you control is destroyed: You can banish it; Special Summon 1 "Rip Token" (DARK/Fiend/1/0/0) in Defense Position, This Token cannot Attack or be used as a Synchro Material Monster. Your opponent can only target "Rip Tokens" for attacks. When a "Rip Token" is destroyed, Banish 1 card on the field.
[spoiler=Avielle s Plight']
When Avielle and Darius found that in Most battles, The Boundaryweavers left the Tears open and Reality kept trying to collapse on itself, Avielle and Darius closed most the tears, but it was too much work for them. Suddenly, all the tears closed and in one of the tear's place was a woman, A Boundaryweaver who was capable of easily closing the boundaries. Avielle and Darius hired her and made her into an officer rather easily...

The Next day, Tsuria decided that she should lecture her underlings about what would happen if they don't close the boundaries... the hard way... She glared at Varaunaku and opened several tears around her, Which Instantaneously collapsed the Reality around her and gave the rest of the boundaryweavers a scare. Thankfully, Varaunaku easily Escaped the Reality collapse. Tsuria then gave the Boundaryweavers an oath...

Protection of the Boundaryweaver
"Boundaryweaver" Spell/Trap Cards, Except "Protection of the Boundaryweaver" cannot be targeted or destroyed by your opponent's card effects. You can only control 1 "Protection of the Boundaryweaver"
[spoiler=Tsuria s Oath']
"As long as The Boundaryweavers clean up their rips, I will protect them with all my power"

Crimson Blessing
Pay 1000 Life Points; Detach 1 Xyz Material from all "Scarlet Pantheon" Xyz monsters you control, Then draw 1 card for each Material Detached
[spoiler=Uoden s Blessing']
Uoden was quite a welcome addition to the Scarlet Pantheon, Unlike the other Guardians, She was intent on keeping the respect of all the underlings in the pantheon by in turn, Blessing them as she usually had done, Giving them their own fantasy world to play with. Most of the other guardians were actually quite shocked when they learned of this, so the Guardians started making Blessings of their own...

Scarlet Rebirth
Target 1 "Scarlet Pantheon" monster in your Graveyard and 1 card in your opponent's Graveyard; Special Summon the Targeted monster in your Graveyard and add the Target in your opponent's Graveyard to their hand, If the Targeted monster in your Graveyard was an Xyz monster, Attach this card to that monster.
[spoiler="Decree of Rebirth"]
"Even if your souls have long been dead, You cannot stop yourselves from being revived countless times... but your souls will remain strong until the end of everything"

Avielle's Order
Tribute 1 Level 5 or Higher "Scarlet Pantheon" Monster to target 1 "Scarlet Pantheon" Monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon it.
[spoiler="An Order of Fate"]
"Everything I say will be fated to proceed, No Exceptions!"

Hellraiser - Shino
Activate while you control a "Scarlet Pantheon - Jigoku", a "Scarlet Pantheon - Himura" and a "Scarlet Pantheon - Nox"; Send any number of cards you control to the Graveyard (Minimum 1), then Send all cards your opponent controls to the Graveyard. Draw 1 card for each card Sent this way. You can only Activate 1 "Hellraiser - Shino" per turn. You cannot conduct your Battle Phase, and your Hand Size Limit becomes 1 during the turn you activate this card.
[spoiler="Story of Shino"]
Shino is the fourth of Jigoku's Souls, A Male whose entire form is embodied of Malice, His appearence tends to fate everything around him to Ruin. Jigoku tends to borrow Shino's Power when things get horridly out of hand

Fate of Pleasurable Assimilation
At the Start of your Main Phase 1: Xyz Summon 1 "Scarlet Pantheon - Veirus" by using as many Xyz Monsters as possible on the field and in the Graveyards. It is now the End Phase of this turn.
[spoiler=Veirus's birth]
Veirus's real form is actually unexplainable, it's form actually consists of a mass of distilled Fates, and being Assimilated by it seems to be rather pleasurable by most. It is actually unknown what Specific fates caused Veirus to be born, but one thing is for certain, it wants to eat everything~

Chaos Rage
During the Battle Phase: You can target 1 "Scarlet Pantheon" monster you control; If itbattles this turn, Your opponent cannot activate cards or Effects until the end of this turn.
[spoiler=Garfalka's Rage]
Garfalka once had been sent out in a mission and he was assaulted by the Devils in White once, Garfalka's rage grew and grew as more of them came at him, and her rampaged, leaving many brutalized corpses in his trace without much effort, he really did not care about what injuries he had got as pain was nothing to him... Needless to say, The Devils would not be paying this guy a visit soon

The Scarlet Pantheon (2024)


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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Author information

Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

Phone: +2613987384138

Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.